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[–]SoCo 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

From the same censorship/propaganda people (like Isabella Garcia-Camargo with the EIP Election Integrity Partnership) that brought you the "totally perfect" Covid dumpster fire election 2020...

..where no battleground state following their own election laws (which, while federally illegal, apparently there is no jurisdiction for legal recourse by other states who's fraud-federal election was impacted), Zuckerberg paid shifty election fixer companies from Chicago to run the ballot counting in multiple battle ground state doing a lot more than they told the Supreme Court that they would, (while threatening contractual full repayment 100K's-millions to county election staff, if they backed out), election staff of every questioned battle ground county stone-walling every investigation, fake recounts where we count the unverifiable count over again, where election-swaying amounts of ballot votes (many thousands) were lost-then-found (better not call and ask to find more!), and the biggest tell......anyone who questioned or legally challenged election problems got canceled, fired, sued, disbarred, sanctioned, sued, or criminally charged in retribution....cause it was totally a perfect election and that's how you keep it that way.

"The most secure election in history," penned the group of government security officials and echoed by lead douche in a press conference....did any news agency dare cross the all-off-government election manipulation to point out that the people who wrote that were responsible for our nation's security, but literally less than two weeks later, found out nearly the entire US government had been hacked for like 8 months with SolarWinds.