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[–]chickenz 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

it is the nature of man that he is a thief and a liar, and this applies to each and every human on this planet.. some more than others and some less than others.

there are mafia in each and every country, and i have seen that song and dance up close and personal.. i have ridden down the street with assasins in my taxi.. i have had private sit-downs with number one boss before. fyi, not many white boys like myself can say such a thing.. i know their power..

now, on to the issue of the cia having so much power and slinging so much mud.. it is simply because they are in the hotseat and they are now able to do such things.. if, for example, another country were to achieve world domination then it will be them that plays all the psyop games.
