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[–]dcjogger 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Tyranny in America lead to the Revolution and freedom.

Poverty in Russia and a weak czar lead to Communism.

Hyperinflation and the Great Depression resulted in Fascism in Germany.

Now the elites have turned the US into a bankrupt warmongering police state.

The 2008 stock market collapse was eased by printing money, but now the world has a record debt.

When the economy crashes and debt bubble implodes in the next 2, 5, 10, or 30 years, the results will be catastrophic. The devastation will likely lead to a civil war and WWIII.

The global order will be reset and a new system will arise.

Americans should urgently start to prepare by buying guns, gold, and food or moving abroad.

Americans should organize by arranging meetings, finding leaders, starting websites, making films, and educating others by starting newspapers, magazines, TV stations, or radio stations.

The new order might be based on redpill ideas or anarchy. Maybe the new society will be located in small farming towns and be moral and religious and strongly respect freedom and privacy.

Americans must decide on who will be the enemy targets when the US collapses. Will the 99% target Jews, globalists, politicians, the Gestapo, soldiers, females, homosexuals, blacks, Muslims, or illegal aliens?