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[–]dcjogger 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Voting cannot fix the US now. All that can save the USA is a violent revolution

Trump might be part of the establishment, but the 1% can make easily Trump dance if the elites want him to. The ruling powers control the government and the media.

Since everything is illegal, how can you drain the swamp if firing corrupt officials is against the law?

The Deep State has a black budget and can torture, drug, and threaten a president and his family.

The Shadow government can intercept the letters, emails, and phone calls of the president. forge block email pphone calls

The ruling powers can forge presidential letters that threaten wars against foreign countries.

The Deep State can bribe and threaten workers to disobey presidential orders.

The 1% can find real or fake victims and persuade the victims to sue the president.

The Deep State can find or download child porn onto computers used by the president.


The Deep State could say the president is a tax cheat taxes

The media could run stories saying that the president is mentally ill.

mental illness



child porn

puppet deep state

past point return



Galt property target underground house car property tax steal when

fanatic obsession



extremely uncomfortable