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[–]dcjogger[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Like slaves, Americans beg for their chains.

The elites tell Americans that they don't need freedom and Americans nod their heads and agree that they don't need freedom.

The 1% says that if vaping is not banned, Americans will get cancer.

The elites say that if flag-burning is not banned, Americans will have freedom.

The elites say that churches must be closed because of terrorism.

The elites say that protesting must be banned because protesters will break windows.

The ruling class says that newspapers must be closed because only the government can tell you the truth.

The elites say there must be subsidies or every company will go bankrupt.

The elites say that Americans must be forced to buy insurance or they will not get healthcare.

The 1% says that Americans must get food stamps or everyone will starve to death.

The ruling class say that everyone must be wiretapped, tortured, and groped or there will be terrorism.

The elites say that if withdrawing cash from your own bank account is not banned, Americans will buy drugs.

The elites say that if restaurants are not licensed, businesses would have a vested interest in selling poisoned food.

The elites say that if guns are not banned, Americans will be shot.

The elites say that if everyone does not give DNA samples to the government then little girls will be raped.

The elites say that if hammers are not banned, Americans will have their heads smashed in with hammers.

Americans are so enslaved now that patriots who warn about the dangers of tyranny will be slammed for criticizing the beloved overlords of Americans.

Every country has the government it deserves.