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[–]dcjogger 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

When Americans have a belief now, do they believe something because they are right or because they are told to think that way?

Nazis scream that the US needs a wall because Commies love illegal immigrants, but if Commies hated illegal aliens, would Fascists turn around and support open borders?

Commies hate guns because Nazis love guns.

Nazis hate abortion because Commies love abortion.

Commies love marijuana because Nazis hate weed.

Nazis hate free trade because Commies love free trade.

Commies love the press because Nazis hate the media.

Nazis hate protests because Commies love protests.

Commies love fags because Fascists hate queers.

Maybe the answer to problems now could be what worked for the US in the past.

The USA had legal prostitution, open borders, guns, drugs, alcohol, gambling, smoking, press freedom, and free speech before. Why can't we have freedom now?

Those who say that the government should be small and guns should be legal sound like hypocrites when they beg the Gestapo to protect them from Muslims, pot, free trade, homosexuals, reporters, and protesters.

Why was Obama an evil monster for supporting tyranny, debt, and wars, but Trump is a holy god for embracing the police state, debt, and wars?


Doesn't anyone see that every solution proposed by the elites is less freedom?

Americans say that they love their guns, but if the 1% say guns must be banned because blacks might buy firearms, Americans would eagerly surrender them.

Americans beg for a wall, but what if the wall will used to keep them IN?

Do you really want the government to tell you what the truth is?

Do you think protesting only benefits Commies?


[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

doubt it. not federal, nor does it have any reserves