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[–]wizzwizz4 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah, this won't happen unless it occurs slowly, over decades (maybe a century). US culture is messed up, but armed riots would occur before the revocation of passports. Just because people want to do stuff doesn't mean they have a hope to actually do it. Especially not with all the crazy people waving guns. (One of the few hypothetical scenarios where that's actually useful for anything!)

Also, it's amusing that you list

Taxes will be raised.

in between

Government loudspeakers will be installed on street corners to broadcast propaganda.


Concentration camps will be opened and Americans will be starved and killed.

And you write

Americans are stupid cowards and deserve everything coming to them.

I agree with the "stupid" part, but they are still well within the normal range for humans (i.e. we're all stupid). In addition, accusations of cowardice don't justify book burning and routine torture.

I think you might be just a little out of touch.