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[–]Site_rly_sux 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Two fatal mistakes made by this rashist piece of trash.

First, he assumes that NATO "expanding" (ie, nations asking to join) is any of ruzzia's business when of course, it isn't. The claim that ruzzia has any input over NATO membership is a rashist trick.

Secondly, he repeats the lie that the millions of Ukrainians who participated in the revolution of dignity were all American stooges. Actually that's fake: they were just normal people, and the chocolatier they elected is now long gone from power. It's another blunted trick and con to fool dipshits like OP.

Yeah the war was provoked. By five hundred years of katsap behavior. It's nothing new.

The ambassadors to ruzzia in the 1600 saw the same behaviour we see today.

The marquis de custine saw the exact same behavior in 1839.

There's nothing new to ruzzia's sense of entitlement and domination. It's because they're not a normal country: ruzzia is a project with the goal of world domination. Ruzzian borders end where the Z were physically stopped. That's the provocation