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[–]StillLessons 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

If they really don't want someone, they've got tool kits for that. Those kits were used with Ron Paul on the right in 2012 and with Bernie Sanders on the left in 2016. When things get extremely bad, they go the JFK route. When the deep state wants someone out, they are out. Be under no illusions as to their capabilities in this arena.

Trump is a special case. They've got this perfect boogeyman in him which allows them to keep us all focused on the "Pro Trump / Anti Trump" sideshow while the real battles against us roll along undisturbed. The greatest assault on liberty in the west for the past five years was the lockdowns / vaccine rollout. That moved pretty seamlessly from Trump's administration to Biden's. They screamed bloody murder when Trump was doing it, BUT critically, it moved forward. Then with Biden, they praised it to high heaven. Once again, it moved forward. Trump talks a lot of shit, but in the end, the effect of his presidency was simply that they did what they wanted anyway, while still making him "the bad guy" for doing precisely what they wanted done all along. That's not real power. He never had real power, and I don't think he would for a second go either.