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[–]weavilsatemyface 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Michigan's Governor Whitmer says hi.

I'm interested to see that when you google "governor michigan kidnapping", the first two pages of results from Google are all about the two convictions. You have to click through to the very last result of the third page to find an article about how the rest of the defendants were acquitted due to the FBI's entrapment. Can you say "media bias"?

When you google "governor michigan kidnapping entrapment" the first highlighted link is all about the judge's instructions to the jury that it wasn't entrapment, although the Guardian's reasonable take can be found halfway down the first page and the Intercept's take on the second page.

The award for Biggest Understatement Of The Year surely has to go to the Guardian's comment "several prosecutions, including of the Newburgh Four, hinged on informants actively promoting a plot before turning would-be perpetrators over to the government to be tried on conspiracy charges". "Several", heh.