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[–]StillLessons 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The reaction of the Democrats gives me more information than the accusations of the Republicans. There are two possible ways to defend against accusations of rigged elections. The first is to say, "There is always some screwing around in elections, but look at the details of this particular election, and you can see that the screwing around didn't materially affect the outcome." In other words, investigate and disprove the claim.

But it is the second way the Democrats have responded which makes it far more likely that they absolutely did what they are accused of. Instead of acknowledging that there is always a level of fraud in every election, they make the absurd claim that this was the cleanest election ever. This in the face of obvious video evidence of serious abnormalities (including blocking access to the people necessary to ensure the fairness of the process) and statistical evidence that flies in the face of "cleanest ever". Rather than the idea of investigate and disprove, Democrats have gone with "Of course it was legit. NO investigation. Shut up!"

That sure doesn't seem like the strategy of a party that is confident in the results of a potential investigation into claims of fraud. They have declared the election valid by fiat. Eerily reminiscent of totalitarian regimes through the ages.

Nothing new under the sun.