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[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Nothing could go wrong...

Because the popular vote means absolutely nothing. For profit corporations select candidates funded by multi-national corporations and the Jewish/Zionist money power. Then, the electoral college picks who will become president and if not, congress llc decides. If 100% of US 'citizens' under limited agency voted for WILL-I-Am the electoral college would simply choose another person, and if not, congress would decide against the popular vote... because the popular vote is simply symbolic and moreso, was orignally designed as a way for educated people to see if electors were voting for their candidate. Now, however, for-profit corporations known as DNC and RNC, select candidates, unconstitutionally and use their Hegelian propaganda and piss poor Rockefeller education, to hypnotise the American public into voting for foreign agents, whichever for-profit corporation they work for.