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[–]StillLessons 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Trump has a gift for reading the room and channeling the rage he finds. The mainstream story is that Trump has created the age of rage, but that is a profound misreading of the population who supports him. The vote has never - since 2015 - been pro-Trump. It's been anti the status quo for the past 7 years. Trump has the gift of treating pompous asshats with the disdain they deserve. That's all he has, however. He's not interested in governing. He just enjoys the theater of it. He loves playing to the crowd. His rallies are where he is at home, not in the office he ran for.

This is the challenge. Simply in his treatment of the self-entitled ruling class, he is spot on and is actually performing a useful function. We the people need to develop this ability and strength to view these schmucks (in both parties) with the absolute disdain they deserve. He shows the way for that. BUT, at the same time, someone needs to be designing and implementing the architecture to a new path forward, reinvigorating the tools of individual rights and responsibilities and stripping power away from "the beast" - that centralized inhuman monster that has been thriving on human souls for well over a century. A.k.a. the corporatocracy, the medical/educational/military-industrial complexes, etc. Trump has no skillset for this. In fact, he has sucked at the beast's tit as much as any of the other piggish brethren he so joyously mocks. He has no desire to stop the milk flowing.

If someone who did have that skillset could gain his trust and work behind the scenes doing the real work, that team would be a superpower. Unfortunately, because Trump doesn't really care about the truth of re-creating liberty, only the show of it, I doubt there will be any progress whatsoever if he gets in again. The best he might do would be to stall the slide for another few years while they all get distracted hyperventilating over his presence, distracting them from their more destructive pass-times. That's the summary of his first four years: he kept them busy and distracted them. Nothing more (but also nothing less, because that alone is something).

Maybe at least that would give a little breathing room so things on the ground could move forward against a slightly diminished headwind. That would be something, perhaps.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Solid assessment.

Maybe at least that would give a little breathing room so things on the ground could move forward against a slightly diminished headwind. That would be something, perhaps.

I think we should just elect Elon Musk as President. It's not unprecedented to hand a country over to a foreigner to fix. I mean it seems weird, but they used to do it all the time. We need a good leader, not these political games. In normal times we can let the crooked suits go about cashing in as much as they can, politics as usual. But we have real problems that need to be dealt with, and our political class is not up to the job. They're just empty useless profiteers. We need what Donald Trump failed to be. We still need those problems fixed and now a whole heap more.

If that doesn't tell us we don't need a new engineer for this train I don't know what does.