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[–]filbs111 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

The poster of the linked "twitter tweet", blinded by partisan politics, has made an illogical leap. To expect that Carlin would have a problem with some idiots affiliated with political group A does not require believing that Carlin must see no fault whatsoever with any idiots affiliated with political group B. I suspect he would make the case that, broadly, they're all a bunch of bastards.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yes, he didn't like political abuses in all political activities, regardless of party. He was a liberal, however, and highly critical of neoliberals as well as so-called conservatives (Ike & Reagan versions). Because was so political, spanning several decades, it's easy to select quotes that make him seem to be critical of liberals or the 'left'. But he and his audience were concerned about the abuses of politics, money in politics, idiot citizens who elect idiot politicians, global warming, authoritarian leadership, government lies, BigCorp, BigMedia, and in general any form of potential corruption. He is much like other liberals who are highly critical of their own representatives on the Hill, by contrast to the blind faith, bible-thumping, one issue voting, dumbed down, Tea Party, and MAGAtard type of crowd that have helped elect the GOP, and thereby kill funding for education, environment, Wall St regulations, voting rights, BigCorp regulations, human rights, social services, &c. He was against authoritarian leadership of all kinds. I grew up enjoying his comedy, for decades, and know that he discussed all of the concerns of liberals. Most of his live, most of us in the US didn't discuss politics at length, the way many do today. One would rarely see a politicized issue, like wearing masks during COVID. So there were many in the US who didn't vote, or didn't care, or wrote in Mickey Mouse on the ticket, and it was no big deal. But all of that was before Citizens United, and a right-wing Supreme Court, and decades of career politicians controlling the Senate. Carlin warned us about this kind of corruption. (Sorry for the long response - just thinking out loud....)