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[–]tyranicaloverlord 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

. It's not meant for the 99%, however, as it's specificallly for the .01% who have a substantial part of their wealth in capital gains.

At least you mention that you are a Democrat on your flair so I know why you would say such and insane thing.

Democrats are so easily blinded by their own support for their parties greed as something virtuous. Democrats always say they want to pass on any taxes as if it's only ever always aimed at the .01%.

Here's why you are wrong, everyone has investments who aren't children, or under thirty Democrats. There's more home owners of all income brackets. This entire thing, just like the $600 spy plan, is aimed at EVERYONE.

This is the Democrat way, do everything to have government take over business and ownership, tax the shit out of people in to subservience. All disguised as going after "the man" and to help "spread the wealth." In reality, they are a party of authoritarian thieves.

Bottom line, and it's not defendable, Democrats LOVE taxes.

PS : Before you call me a right winger, I'm a libertarian. Ya'll are a bunch of authoritarians, but Democrats are worse with their taxation.

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

What a grifting loser says: "The problem with capitalism is that there’s so much prosperity and free time people start creating their own problems." —Kevin Sorbo

From the Offices of the President, Senate, House, and the Treasury, July 11, 1836...

"...the problem with capitalists... just a bunch of greasy scam artists screwing the little man..." —US Government

Economically and financially, statistically speaking, our children have a declining living and worse off life on an average percentage compared to living in the mid 50's to early 70's.

(The state of our world: Rich dads promoting sons gamer channel so he can get ahead of the other kids.)

Purchasing value of dollar had also declined considerably from the boomer generation. Those who hopped on the stock market bear scam were able to build their wealth by doing absolutely nothing from the 70's to the 2000's, prior to 2008. They had an ability to save and fight inflation, all whilst their wages remained suppressed. Presently, however, inflation is taking off and the purchasing power of the dollar, as said, is declining quite rapidly. Vegetables have risen in price 50 to 70% in my area while my wage, not fixed to inflation, has stayed the same!

The problem with our economy and the political manuevers is that congress llc is incompetent and doesn't realize that US Inc. was chartered as a self-funding corporation, meaning UBI, which is basically just reparations for the money multi-national corporations and offshoring stole, doesn't have to be fixed to social-credit, human capital or impact/value markets. UBI is possible and has always been! I don't advocate for it but traditional Catholics believe a garden and home is a right, and labouring to your ability and loving Christ is an order that has been destroyed in Judaic-naturalist masonic America! America is basically an unsustainable meme economy retail corporation propped up be meme jobs such as every job on wallstreet and retail jobs that service the rich. Congress llc could institute public banks in every town, which could loan at fixed rates very low interest loans for farmers and men and women looking to labor in trades. That profit would not be gambled on wallstreet but given back to the community!

As Gottfried Feder once said, a government's first priority, whether federal or local, is to disband joint-stock trading from social life and for the reliance of once's wellbeing. A government's priotity is to maintain a common good and the needs of a community and the individual so that he does not fall into the depths of poverty of which he/she cannot escape. Our entire Judaic-masonic system with its cyclical doldrums instituted by Jews Warburg, Schiff, Seligman, Lehman, etc. is designed to manufacture an impoverished class.

Transnational, intersectional, nation-wrecking, sterile, family-less, consumer, mongrelized vulture capitalism really is the best way forward for society, said nobody ever.

A deleted shill once wrote to me:

Capitalism can work without usury just fine. It will be slower, but more stable. And it would be great if people could remember that no business has a right for a guaranteed profit, not even the banks. Ultra rich are being compensated for lending a small portion of their power to non-idiots. Bureaucrats can't do this for some reason.


41 billionaires are now as rich as the poorest half of the world population (the chart apparently was not updated for Elon Musk. Pirates and looters ("billionaires") nor the Rothschilds) own more than the poorest half of the World's population. And it's all been stolen together, with speculation, insider trading, interest, cottage milking, bail outs, cartel formation. A couple of total galsbakkens run off with the loot.

So what is this beautiful capitalism ignoramuses always like to talk about?

Capitalism" is owning the MONETARY/CREDIT & STATUTORY POLICY production from which all corporations exist. Gerard Malynes, 1622.

That's why capitalism didn't exist in the U.S. corp territories until Rockefeller and JP Morgan. Come to find out, rich people creating cheap workers is now suddenly "prosperity gospel" for Team America Inc.

And then we have commie inc. proposing 70% marginal tax rate on multimillionaire incomes.... ahhhhhh , hello, why not propose CAPITAL TAX...otherwise they just dodge the damned tax like JP Morgan or Rockefeller! Geeze.

But then we have Team US corp whining about how capitalism is 'freedom' or stupidly suggesting that "capitalism" is somehow older than JP Morgan?

This is American Capitalism:

...and no amount of sock puppets, shills and bots can negate this.

Capitalism is when a small group of people who control a private corporation, claim it's a "government" & use violence/propaganda to coerce all others to do what their told. Just like communism and socialism. All three models are the complete opposite of a meritocracy.

America LLC was only ever private corporations as "muh government", was never "muh free market" & "muh capitalism" meme was a banking scam to legitimize outlawed loan-sharking. Meme-jobs like wall-street or the government don't feed a nation. And we are top-heavy with meme-jobs.

UBI FOR FARMERS! Or not... because it's 'better' near nobody can afford it and we instead subsidise wall-street whilst they plan on going back to the golden or silver calf of reserve backed currency based on the worship of "intrinsic value" like all the Libertardiams morons speak of. Yes, that's it, it is better we live in an unsustainable meme make-work economy where the billionaires fatten themselves up and the lazy don't know how to plant a tomato plant yet produce poop piss and garbage, stinking up the cities and doing a great service to technocratic impact/vale market corporations.

As for Every-ism: Allowed fake vote to buy from Limited Inc., then shot when you complain on sub-standard services. Same with fascism & capitalism.

Capitalism & the "american dream" god, no real churches, no soul...just money. Always the money, only the money on nu-age masonic naturalism.

Or a better future... Public banks (county-based banks; non-private ie. moving private credit) should issue experimental Universal Basic Income, though, so few in operation, and illegal for a state sub-franchise such as Massachusetts Inc., to do so; so as to increase basic cred flow to suppressed areas, which will increase spending and automatically create small corps for retail products...

Farming might come back in style if normal people could afford to do it + local distribution; though big companies are not fond of small distribution from small companies.

It would also alleviate Soc.Sec. admin/book problems & take pressure off the courts/prisons. MAYBE.


It is impossible for an imaginary corporation to owe itself imaginary money via other imaginary sub-franchise corporations, when it can really print all the imaginary credit & currency it ever will require ab initio at will, Descarte. – CaptainSlappy

But the Libertardians and politicians for some reason don't want you to know that, or, maybe they don't know that. Maybe they are as ignorant as they look, probably not.

[–]tyranicaloverlord 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

You really don't make a point here. Just the typical doom and gloom anti-libertarian nonsense we see and hear from both sides all the time.

Not once do either side ever take the willingness to address government subsidies created in bipartisan efforts, or even in partisan effort.

Also not addressed, how you would do it differently. If capitalism is so bad, what's better?

Oh right, I know, yet another morons who would say "Democratic Socialism! But we'll get it right this time! There won't be any corruption, certainly!"

Ya'll are lost to the paradigm, and treat consumers like babies with no ability to be taught that they hold the power in making who is and is not a billionair.

Chew on that for a while.

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

My point is clear. Most libertardians side with big capital knowingly or unknowingly. The problem, however, is that all nations are corporations which issue statue laws. I've given you the actual, legal and "'well-placed' I own everything on legal fictions but don't tell anyone definition" of capitalism, or the issuance of statue laws from which all corporations are born. Modern libertardians have allowed chain corps and food stamps to flourish because the rich want nothing more for classes of which they cannot connect with. Therefore, the problem with Libertardians, firstly, is they allow degeneracy to flourish, secondly, many of the millionaire and billionaire self-proclaimed Libertarians complain about taxes and how 'illegal' it is to impose while they offshore their gains or find probably illegal loopholes to do so WHILE STILL HOLDING US GOVERNMENT PRIVILEGES.

They're too stupid to realize that taxes are, guess what, VOLUNTARY! But libertardian speculators who havn't tilled soil a day in their life wouldn't know the first thing about this, nor would they have ever read the actual charter documents of Association Inc., or the method in which to relinquish their contract with the state because for the most part, they reject the Most High.

Stop contracting with the subsidiary state corps., and Federal corp. known as US Inc., get rid of your healthcare, bank account and stop using their bank credits for cash, better yet, stop offshoring and stealing welfare from those who knowingly contracted with US inc.

Your rhetoric speaks how ignorant you truly are. You are full of catch phrases and stupid isms that have absolutely no connection to what I wrote.

Democratic socialism? Firstly, democratic institutions can exist in a decentralized locality but US Inc., is chartered as a republic, which in latin = charter corporation, which was chartered by congress llc, which was chartered by Association Inc. Therenis no democracy in US inc., land. Socialism? Sure, we've used a form of socialist like programs since reconstruction. In fact, one could say we have communist elements here but it need not matter when all nations from where they are born are corporations owned by a group of men.

What I wrote above and your proceeding response, illustrates that you have no idea what you're talking about.