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[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I agree that both RCV and Approval Voting solve the spoiler problem. Either would be an improvement over FPTP.

Yep. They tried to bring RCV to Arkansas in 2020, but the corrupt court struck down the ballot measure on a technicality. I was pretty disappointed when I found that out.

In the UK referendum, many people refused to vote for Alternative-Vote/RCV because it wasn't their favourite. Then they ended up with FPTP, which they like even less.

The sun really has set on the British Empire, cause they're pretty dull across the pond.

cries in beer, diluting it down to 1% alcohol.

That's 0.5% too much! Oh, sorry, this ain't s/prohibition.

Due to that history, I'm very sensitive to the title "Ranked-Choice Won’t Fix Our Electoral System". Maybe RCV won't fix it, for an idealized notion of fix, but we should have voted for it anyway, to get an improvement over FPTP.

Yeah, I explain that in the article, but I tend to be a bit over-dramatic when writing titles...

Under Approval Voting, all BigParty voters approve of both BigOldParty and BigNewParty

I don't think they'd all vote for the party they just broke up with.

So the results are 40% LargeParty, 60% BigOldPary, 60% BigNewParty. Well, that solves the spoiler effect, but at a price. Voters are still having to vote tactically.

Tactical voting is only when you don't vote for the candidate you like the most, which didn't happen here. Maybe some BNP voters voted for BOP out of fear, but most of them just liked both, since that was the party they used to be a part of.

I ain't sure what the "price" is, since the most popular faction still wins, but favorability voting (a modified form of approval voting) lets you vote for, vote against, or abstain; BNP voters will tend to abstain from voting for or against the BOP while mostly voting against the LP.

Under RCV, voters can vote more straight forwardly. An old time BigParty member gets to chose whether to put the BigOldParty first, or whether to put the BigNewParty first.

Okay, so let's see.

Under FPTP we might see a vote split 40% LargeParty 35% BigOldParty 25% BigNewParty.

Let's use these numbers for the RCV simulation. The BNP performed the worst, so they get eliminated and all their votes go to the BOP, which wins with 60% of the vote.

In RCV, the BNP didn't have a chance and was just immediately eliminated, while in approval voting: they tied with the BOP and had a very good chance of winning, with the outcome being decided by less than a percent. I see that as a good thing for third parties.