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[–]dcjogger 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The USA is a bankrupt warmongering police state today.

Everything is fake today.

Americans used to have fought Nazis and Commies, but now have become Nazis and Commies.

There are many reasons why Americans are not resisting tyranny.

Part of the reason Americans are not resisting now is that they are defeated, degraded, divided, and distracted. Why go out and risk getting arrested and killed fighting tyranny when they have weed, sex, beer, food stamps, A/C, TV, and bread and circuses? Young people don’t care about freedom because they think living in a police state is normal and old people don’t care because they will be dead soon. Only middle-aged people who know what freedom was like and might be still alive for another 30-40 years seem to care.

Instead of waking up and resisting, Americans seem to have given up by embracing drugs, alcohol, sex, and suicide.

Another reason Americans are accepting tyranny is because they do not realize that the US used to be a free country. How can Americans stand up for freedom when they do not know what the Bill of Rights is? Americans don't know that tyranny killed millions of people in Nazi Germany, the USSR, and Cambodia.

Americans feel that tyranny only affects other people and freedom only benefits others.

Americans believe the police state has no downsides and do not realize decrees have unintended consequences. Americans prefer safety over freedom. Americans scream that they need the government to have regulations to force airlines to provide large seats and neck massages, but they do not know that regulations raise prices and kill jobs.

Americans fear potential dangers more than tyranny. Americans think withdrawing less than $10,000 from your own bank account should be illegal because you might buy drugs. Americans think victimless crimes should illegal. How many Russians wasted their lives instead of achieving something because everything was illegal in the USSR?

Wearing baseball caps could be illegal, but who would you hurt if you broke this law? Would society benefit by punishing and giving an arrest record to someone who violated a unconstitutional law that had no victim?

Laws do not mean justice. Slavery and concentration camps were legal before. Does that make them right? Torture is illegal if you do it, but if the state orders you to torture someone is that okay?

Americans are completely ignorant about the slippery slope dangers of rising tyranny. No one cares if saggy pants are illegal, leaf blowers are against the law, cows are illegal, teen driving is illegal, or smoking is illegal. The problem is what happens when your job is banned, the government steals your house, tortures your family, or sends you to the concentration camps.

Americans think curfews, gun bans, NSA wiretapping, checkpoints, forfeiture, the end to the right to silence, free speech bans, torture, kill lists, no fly lists, searches without warrants, private prisons, mandatory minimums, 3 strikes laws, DNA databases, CISPA, SOPA, NDAA, IMBRA, FBAR, FATCA, TSA groping, secret FISA courts, and Jade Helm only apply to blacks, illegal immigrants, Jews, and Muslims.

The US is collapsing today because Americans are lazy and dependent cowards. Americans may think deep down inside that immorality, debt, endless wars, and tyranny are wrong, but there are perverse incentives that encourage people to remain silent. Anyone who is quiet and compliant is rewarded with food stamps, a campaign donation, a paycheck, or a sale. Anyone who questions the status quo is called a racist, nutjob, gets an IRS audit, is arrested, or killed. No one became a billionaire by promoting liberty.

The Gestapo, TSA agents, government workers, and welfare bums are not going to stand up to fight for freedom because they have a vested interest in supporting tyranny.

Freedom means hard work and personal responsibility. Tyranny means slavery and death.

Americans are no better than animals at this stage. Americans are not allowed to make choices how to live their own lives now. Americans are told what to do and must ask permission to do anything today.

Clean-cut, moral Americans who were taught to hate Communism, be hard-working, be responsible, respect free speech, support religious freedom, defend gun rights, oppose warrantless searches, seizures, and torture must be in a state of shock to watch the USA become Socialist and not regret speaking up earlier. How could Americans go to the same schools and have such different beliefs?


The US deserves everything coming to it.