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[–][deleted] 7 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Your last president was maybe JFK, and he was assassinated. Presidents are bought and paid for, someone owns them, but it isn’t you, nor the people. They’re nothing more than actors.

Trump was Israel’s lapdog and Israel proudly called him “their president”, with Israeli-Trump murals all over the country (google them, there’s many well-done pieces). Benjamin Netanyahu sucked Trump’s cock in countless speeches, God knows how many times he’s done it in person. tbh, I had felt this way about politics before (with Clinton, bush and Obama being the only presidents of my life, and Bush the first I remember), but when Trump got as far as he did talking about “draining the swamp” and “arresting Hillary”, I thought maybe I had been wrong this whole time and an outsider who did want to do good could come in and break the mold. I waited to see - but nope, he proved political theater is alive in the USA (politics in America are a facade done to cause spectacle, a psyop, while TPTB do as they please with our country from behind the curtains). Obama sucked ass but so did he, their approach to ass eating was just different.

Every single candidate says one thing on the campaign trail, but does another in office. Congress, Senate and the President are all going to pass bills and acts, as well as spend your tax dollars in ways that you don’t like regardless of your opinion or “vote” or “protest”, that violate liberties and freedom (the angle is just different sometimes depending on Democrat or Republican, but serves the same nefarious overall purpose), and people don’t realize this because politics have become a blood sport.

If our government is truly as corrupt and powerful as it seems, wouldn’t the voting system be corrupt, rigged and gamed too? I mean we’re talking about the same system capable of things like MK-ULTRA, and those declassified projects are what they let us know about. We vet websites such as this one for trolls, bots, spammers, etc, we only want members who are willing to participate while following the rules. If we “common folk” do this for basic websites, don’t you think they’d pre-vet candidates to make sure whoever’s elected is going to play ball without a shadow of a doubt?

I mean think about how much money a campaign costs (more money than any normal person could generate - even through networking, why should a Bill Gates donate 20 million to a rando like you?), if you look at the campaign backers and larger donations of any president, Democrat or Republican, you will see their money comes from corrupt/dirty institutions and people that you’re likely aware of. It’s a pay to play game.

How can one trust a broken and corrupt system (our government), and feel that using an extension of it that’s setup and overseen by it, which inevitably makes it also corrupt and rigged (voting), to fix it? Voting is just there to give us the illusion of control and participation in our country’s politics when the truth is, they do what they want.

None of these people are our president. They work more for McDonald’s than they do for you or me.

[–][deleted] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Sadly the vast majority never arrive at this point of understanding Enza, even though the evidence is staring them in the face. I don't think they are stupid, it's just that their brains are wired differently, wired for hope sort of. And by engaging in the political circus the majority keep this hope alive, and make it harder for the rulers to get away with things probably. Imagine if only a small percentage voted? No, hope, and in some cases desperation, works against the best interests of most people today, as it always has.

I read a lot about the middle-ages across Europe where most lived in small villages and hamlets. There was always a priest there and the priest would exploit them and they tolerated it, their fear of damnation and of losing God's favor at harvest time kept them obedient. People haven't changed much I am afraid. Their lives ruled by a constant seesaw of hope and fear.

I detest politics in all it's forms and keep as far away from the mess as I can, which includes avoiding little societies and clubs, which is hard due to my many interests. These last few years and especially the last few months have been detestable, what with all the ranting and raving of both sides of American politics clogging up forums and other media. I was happy to see the main page free of most of it this morning and look forward to things reverting to a lower political content in the months and years to come. Let the true believers have their political machinations I say, just leave me out of them.