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[–]StillLessons 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Kissinger is one of the scariest individuals I can imagine.

He is super-bright. Way way smarter than the average individual. Just reading this interview shows me this again. At 97 years old, he is infinitely more lucid and coherent than Joe Biden, who is "only" 78. It's not even close.

Yet at the same time, he has incredible blind spots. His inability or unwillingness to acknowledge the costs of the policies he has supported over the years never ceases to amaze me. He is most famous for "opening up China". This single act is probably the best window into who he is. Kissinger does not care about the United States. His mind is concerned with how to ensure that the elites of the "important" (i.e. nuclear power) countries get along. As long as these elites can get along and not start wars, however, Kissinger doesn't care what the effects are of his policies on people on the street. He cares not at all that his decisions set up a system which has industrially gutted the country for which (in theory) he was working. That's not his department.

A man who can get a Nobel Peace Prize, having been instrumental in the unholy slaughter that was United States involvement in Vietnam. He really is quite emblematic of the entire establishment we face.

Lastly, he speaks glowingly in this interview of Joe Biden's decision-making style. This alarms me as much as anything else. Though Kissinger appears lucid here, I find it terrifying that he either chooses to ignore or genuinely cannot see that Joe Biden's mental acuity is pathetic.

Henry Kissinger is among the most powerful people alive today on the planet. We should pay attention to what he is saying. He is among the most skilled politicians ever to have lived in history (including the necessary ability to lie with absolute facility).

Even for those of us who see the results of his decisions as evil (whether intentional or not) - and perhaps especially for us - we must read very carefully and pay attention to what he is saying. It is perhaps the best and clearest window we can find into the nuts and bolts of how establishment planning minds think.