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[–]Canbot 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Malcolm X IS the black bourgeoisie.

The average black person wants to move into a white neighborhood. They won't admit it because it is an insulting thing to admit. Their own ego will tell them it isn't true, that what they want is a black neighborhood that is everything like the white neighborhood except everyone is black. But the fact is that the white neighborhoods are what they are BECAUSE everyone is white. And the black neighborhoods are what they are because everyone is not.

But no one ever wants to talk about the fact that in order for black neighborhoods to become more like white neighborhoods black people would have to become more like white people.

We can't ever have progress so long as we hide behind the white lies of the left. The lies that seek to save the feelings of minorities with seemingly innocent lies that deflect personal liability in exchange for claims of oppression. Over time every lie grows. Every lie needs more and more lies invented to sustain it. Our society is being destroyed by lies which have at their core good intentions.