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[–]JasonCarswellVoluntaryist 4 insightful - 4 fun4 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 4 fun -  (5 children)

" So do you actually think that without a military the US would be perfectly safe from foreign powers? "

The US military (with the CIA, NSA, Mossad, Zionists, etc etc etc) are the greatest threat to humanity and the leading instigators of violence globally. Get rid of the biggest bully and the next one will take its place but at least it won't be as big - and maybe it won't even be a bully if everyone else keeps it in check.

" Grants already exist for those who need them. "

That's a giant crock of shit and you fucking know it. If the grants existed then there wouldn't be an education debt crisis.

This isn't about your subjective judgements on how much/little "those degrees are worth" or whether "they are stupid". (Granted, there are problems there too, including all the gender studies bullshit.)

I didn't say "free" education, though it's very possible and IMO should be implemented. I said "provide decent education that won't make you a life-long debt-slave."

If you want to talk about stupid people - talk about the corporate media, the common core, video games, etc and the intentional dumbing down of the masses. People without taught skills or motivation will not spontaneously gain momentum and start being "productive" or self-reliant. Or maybe you'd like to just euthenize all the "useless eaters".

"The stupid people will simply make excuse after excuse for their failure"

You seem to be doing a better job of it than they are.

"There is absolutely zero evidence to show that those countries with free college gain anything of value for it"

Clearly you haven't bothered to look. The Scandinavian countries do better. Cuba does really well considering. I'm quite certain there are many more. But you'd actually have to research it instead of making blanket statement lies.

Why must we "be the one[s] who suffers the consequences of [your] stupidity" ? Maybe go to Voat or something where you'd be better suited.

[–]Canbot 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

The US military (with the CIA, NSA, Mossad, Zionists, etc etc etc) are the greatest threat to humanity

There are many examples of genocides perpetrated over and over, especially by communist dictatorships. China is currently ethnically cleansing itself of Muslims. Myanmar had an ethnic cleansing a year or two ago. These are the greatest threat to humanity and the US military is the only thing standing in their way.

I assure you grants do exist.

This isn't about your subjective judgements on how much/little "those degrees are worth"

There is nothing subjective about it. If the degree you got does not increase your earning ability more than it costs you than it is OBJECTIVELY not worth it. It easy to determine if a degree will be worth it by looking at job opportunities, and outcomes of others who have the degree. Liberal arts degrees are known to be worthless, and anyone who gets them is thus OBJECTIVELY RETARDED.

Or maybe you'd like to just euthenize all the "useless eaters".

It is absolutely not a decision between wasting hundreds of thousands to give retards worthless degrees or kill them. They should get jobs that don't require college. Yes, those do exist. Whatever job those retards with worthless degrees are doing is exactly the job they could have gotten without having wasted time and money on a libtard arts degree.

Scandinavian countries do well because they are high IQ. Cuba does not do well at all. They are the perfect example of this. Everyone has a college degree, and not one single thing of value has come out of there. No discovery, no invention, no cleaver contraptions. Why isn't Cuba producing programmers like India?

Getting a degree does not mean you are qualified to do anything. It does not mean there will be a job waiting for you when you get out. Not everyone is meant for college. Forcing everyone in is stupid and counterproductive.

[–]noice 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

Liberal arts degrees are known to be worthless, and anyone who gets them is thus OBJECTIVELY RETARDED.

Disagree here. Naive perhaps, but not retarded. Do you remember being a teenager? Were you told that you could literally be anything that you wanted, there are no limits? I know plenty of people who believed that lie when they were 18-22, myself included.

[–]Canbot 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Yes, I was told that. I was told to follow my dreams and not worry about money. Everyone I knew had some kind of fanciful dream about a life without labor, where you survived on your favorite hobby. And everyone I know was intelligent enough to think it through, realize they don't have any reasonable way to monetize that kind of lifestyle, and made rational decisions.

Those who don't think for themselves are what I call retarded.

[–]noice 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'd still argue that this is naive, and I don't think I place as much judgment on the individuals making decisions because of that. I think there's some blurriness to it as well - degree courses lie on a spectrum of employability - where some degrees you might automatically categorize as retarded to obtain, there are plenty which seem reasonable but offer very few prospects.

[–]JasonCarswellVoluntaryist 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Who controls China? Zionist-allied Yale Skull & Bones supported Mao and his communist take over.

I know grants exist - but they sure as fuck don't cover much of anything in the grand scheme. PLUS, those grants only go to status quo supporters. Find me a grant that will support independent subversive content and I'll apply for my project.

Meanwhile, the first days in office Trump added 80 BILLION to the military and the MSM didn't blink an eye. That could have covered education and healthcare.

There's more to life than earning ability, objectively.

IQ has nothing to do with it and clearly you're ignorant about Cuba who produces doctors freely to share with the world, despite being cut off from modern tech and meds.

US sanctions on Cuba are a war crime. Cuba might produce programmers if there weren't sanctions keeping them down. You need to play fair to get fair results.

If you think Cuba has no innovations then you know nothing about Cuba. They have been forced to adapt and survive despite the oil and chem sanctions and have far superior farming models than the "efficient" Big-Chem-dependent US Big-Agra.

Not everyone needs to be "productive" when there is technology and plenty. That's how the arts have exploded and why we all watch mindless movies with 300+ animators.

I wasn't forcing everyone in. That's your own invention.