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[–]SeasideLimbs 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Host Erin Burnett then asked, “Let me ask you, mayor, because some of these images, they’re ugly. I mean, a Starbucks destroyed in the protests, a construction site for a juvenile detention facility set on fire, Seattle police say officers were burned when protesters threw explosive devices at them, and look, a lot of what’s happening here, this is not peaceful. This is just violent and destructive, and the president says he thinks mayors like you are refusing his help and those standby forces because he’s the one offering it. Does he have a point?”

Durkan responded, “No. Again, the president’s actions clearly have escalated things in Seattle, and across the country. I was just talking to a number of mayors throughout the country who saw a similar thing that — people wanting to act out against the president and his administration coming to the streets.

Anyone who has ever been in an abusive relationship or had a narcissistic family member of friend will recognize this behaviour. This is Gaslighting.

To cultivate a culture of unreasonable anger, irresponsibility and oversensitivity, and to then blame the other side for not catering to that oversensitivity... that's insane. That's literally insane. It's like if I decided that everyone on this website is to act exactly as I say, and if somebody doesn't I report them and stalk them and keep complaining about them to the admins, and that that's entirely everyone else's fault because, hey, they brought it upon themselves by not doing exactly what I say. They could have just done as I say and they would have been fine. Their fault.

We have reached the logical conclusion of leftist culture. We have reached the logical conclusion of a culture of participation trophies, fake hate crimes, victimhood-focused HR departments, spoiled children raised by helicopter parents, self-acceptance movements, an art world that cares more about "expressing yourself" than making something pretty, safe spaces, trigger warnings and made-up identities. We have reached a political landscape in which narcissism and its ugly associated behaviours (such as Gaslighting) are not rare, frowned upon and called out, but normalized, expected, praised and used without any shame. We are no longer dealing with adults. It's over. We are being run by personality-disordered children.

[–]Questionable 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

OH, so now they are riots. Nice to see she's finally facing that reality.

"Trump Doing ‘Dry Run for Martial Law’ and Is ‘Responsible’ for Riots in City – Best Way to Have Peace Is ‘Bring More Justice’"

So all of those things were said by a single person. How does her brain function?