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[–]nygal 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Local cops aren't ever going to bite the hand that feeds them. I live in the sticks so most of the cops here are good ole boys or whatever and when Uncle Sam comes around and says, "Here, take this MRAP and a couple surplus APC's and a few machine guns; but you've got to get "trained" on using them first." They all bite because cool guns and military vehicles. Then they get trained with military Us v. Them and go around in military gear thinking they are soldiers when the police are just civilian groups to begin with. No Ricky, you aren't and never have been an elite operator SOF commander just because you have a full auto HK and a green bullet proof SUV. Then of course they have the gear so they have to use it and show that they had a need for it so they bring out all that shit to serve warrants and scare protesters.

I mean honestly, I really don't give a fuck though. We're already right on the cusp of a police state to begin with. In 5 years we'll have the infrastructure and technology to run facial ID scans at any kind of protest and then just no-knock raid them without search warrants because we have red flag laws and extreme risk protection orders. The media has demonized everything related to protest and watchdog groups and anybody trying to fight for civil liberties so Mr. average American dislikes or disowns those protecting his rights to not be a total slave. The media is the enemy of the people now and that is always the first step towards fascism.

The ACLU is a laughing stock to half the country or pedophile defenders.

Gun owners are just midget dicked losers with the blood of school children on their hands.

Bernie is a full commie who needs to be ousted for saying, "Get tangible benefits from the taxes you pay."

Small time independent journalists are muckrackers or ivory tower hipsters.

All media with the reach to affect the nation are corporate shills or political shills.

Everyone with more than a billion dollars has decided to take the political fight head on and try and control the countries politics through subversive or overt means.

The DNC will likely run Bloomberg/Clinton against Trump/Pence meaning you either get a failed billionaire businessman rich kid who just wants to make more money/fame off of the presidency vs. a billionaire nanny-stater who gives no fucks about civil liberties and just wants to make more of a police state like NYC while also enriching himself from the job.

I'm not much of one of those guys who sucks the founding fathers dicks, but if they knew two unfathomably rich corporate amoral devils were bidding for running the country, they'd spin in their graves so hard we could power the whole planet from their rotation.