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[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

If you want the real cost of things look to the paylist for Medicare. Transparency in your cost will not help. Negotiating prices for drugs will help. I am sorry the system is broken but Bernie can fix that. This idea is a boondoggle to do nothing but set prices further. I am sorry about your illness its got to be rough. Support the right thing. This idea is not what you think it is. And will stand in the way of Medicare for all by setting prices nationally. That's is crazy and stupid way to getting Medicare for all. Because 90% of folks want something doesn't mean it's good for us. Transparency is what they want not a stupid law that will be used against Medicare for all. Or if you ask folks is it smart to spend millions to let the folks fucking you right now set the cost of anything for us. I won't can't believe you are that short sighted to selfishly want to harm so many because you want to get a handle on your cost at the expense of everyone. That's how we got where we are at so I'm asking you what side are you on solving the problem or perpetuating it. I find you offensively devoid. Half measures is what we won't buy not if you want to do real good.

[–]christine_grab[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

"If you want the real cost of things look to the pay list for Medicare" The current pay list for Medicare is artificially low. Many doctors won't accept Medicare because it is a net loss for them. I know this because I have elderly parents on Medicare. IF Bernie wins and IF Medicare for All does go on the table, the entire medical community will vehemently fight it unless provisions are made to increase Medicare's payouts. In my mind, if we rein in the dire overcharging of the pharmaceutical industry, we should have plenty of money leftover to provide fair compensation for the doctors. The drug that I need for my disease is $100 per dose in Canada and $36,000 per dose in the USA. Even though ACTHAR is not commonly prescribed, the savings from reining in ACTHAR alone will make up for the additional compensation the doctors need to make Medicare for All financially viable: (note that this article was written in 2012, and the price has gone up to $36,000 since then).

"Transparency in your cost will not help." My reality is that pricing transparency will help me NOW. Knowing what my medical costs will be will certainly help me budget. Every time you tell me NO, that is not true, it makes me think that you are mentally unstable. It is cognitive dissonance to tell a total stranger that you know better than them what the financial situation is in their lives. I get it that you are on a moral high horse crusade to transform society into something better down the road, but you need to take step back from blind idealism and look what simple steps can help people TODAY. Just because it won't help YOU today since you clearly are on Medicaid or something that picks up all the costs, it will help ME as someone with a giant deductible and high co-pays. And for you to say I don't deserve help TODAY because this form of help does not meet your idealistic perfection is really fucking selfish of you.

"Negotiating prices for drugs will help" Bernie wants to NEGOTIATE from $36,000 down to $24,000. Fuck that. We need to lay down laws forbidding exploitative practices like ACHTAR. Like all pharmaceutical companies are not allowed to be for profit.

I have to go... I'll finish this later.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Total nonsense. Most in the medical field would like to treat people money stands in the way always. We do have fair compansation to doctors just think about their bottom line when all of us will be covered. No staff needed to bill anybody. point of service. No hours online with insurance cock blockers. You have nothing and I see now you don't give a shit about the real problem. Cover all or watch us tear this apart. Count on us. You are the reason insulin cost 800 an month. No deductable no copay and no more than 200 dollars a year on drugs. Read the bill and stop spreading silly I know you can afford 200 a year. This plan will stand in the way by setting artificial prices by the folks ripping us off right now. You are doing the wrong thing. Typical and not needed! Medicare will assure doctors are paid and payed well. Free college will train new doctors and nurses and you will still be trying to get a deal or we could simply pass a law for a change that covers all Americans cradle to grave. Controll escalating prices just like the rest of the world. By covering all of us. The price list is artificial. Get it?

[–]christine_grab[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

The word I was looking for is conflating! You are conflating two issues that have absolutely nothing to do with one another!

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Simply crazy to think we should spend a dime on this instead of health care. This doesn't matter. We pay two times as much as any other industrial nation with medical care for all. We don't cover 80 million people. We have the highest bankruptcy we have ever had from medical bills. The fact is it is the whole problem you won't address. It will not cost us to much to do a simple thing and care for our sick. It is why you have to budget your care in thefirst place. While the rest of us have to pay for the ones with out. End Medicaid the VA the planed Parenthood free clinics none of it will be needed any longer. What you are advocating is wastefully giving away of our money with no care for anyone. Letting the prices be set by joker's treaty. Please! This plan does nothing as mom said "no good can come from it". And ten years from now your care will still cost you double the rest of the world. Or not, your choice. Choose wisely.