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[–]jamesK_3rd 5 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 3 fun -  (9 children)

The people get the government they deserve.

These things aren't happening in a vacuum, i think the messages from the declaration of independence cannot ring more true. And very often, the government it's simply a reflection of the values of it'sl people

[–]gretathroatborg 4 insightful - 5 fun4 insightful - 4 fun5 insightful - 5 fun -  (1 child)

ya americans were foolish to ever trust a jew or allow one in the country. now after 100 years of subversion we have feces eating buttfucking sodomites getting "married" and child raping illegal aliens in drag "reading" to kids in public libraries

[–]Airbus320 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

u/pastorjohnny loves it very much tho

[–]Tom_Bombadil 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

The people get the government they deserve.

This meme is a fraud. Did Iraq get the government they deserve? Afghanistan? Governments are imposed by powerful interests to the extent that they can manipulate people/the public.
They prefer force. Propaganda is used when force is a bad option.
When SHTF it's always force.

The education system has removed practically all civic activity from the curriculum. Public education has turned into a corporate employee farm. Pointless stupid assignments for no discernible reason. The only remaining value is the STEM classes, because it's difficult to directly lie about math and science. They still need some managers in corporate america.

The system teaches people to take orders. Not to think independently.

"The people get the government they deserve." is a brainwashing device. It's a fraud. It serves the interests of those who are already in control.

This is victim blaming.

Should children be blamed for getting the education "they deserve"? By extension, how can their parents be blamed if they went through the same corporate employee farming system?

The reality is people do not "get what they deserve". Hard working people get screwed over every day. If you are born into privilege then the world is full of opportunities, because you can hire others to make more money for you then you could ever produce yourself...

The people need to be awoken from their nightmare. Victim blaming isn't going to do it, because it perpetuates self-defeat....

Step 1: Average people need to recognize that they've been defrauded of their rights.

Step 2: People recognize that their rights are not "given" to them. They need to demand their rights and act/behave like they are already free/independent of control of others. Come what may.

Step 3: Dismantle the existing system and rebuild it from the bottom up.

Obviously, this is an oversimplification, but it really can't happen any other way.

[–]jamesK_3rd 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

  • That's not a meme, it's the truth.

When it isn't you, or people who believe the things you do, that implement something FOR YOU, they define the terms, they choose the values, they choose the standards. If they are benevolent, like the U.S., perhaps they attempt to implement the cultural values of those people in the new government that they've created.

NATO and primarily US forces stood up these governments. They implemented governments reflecting their values with some local cultural norms. Do the people hold those same values? Time will tell.

If the government gives you your stuff, the government has a right to provide stipulations for that stuff, or take it away.

It's The reason some illegal alien sanctuary cities went back on their promise to their constituents once the threat of removal of funding was used, i look for similar events with these new 2A sanctuary cities. Ultimately People would rather have shoddy medicaid access and food stamp crumbs than the ability to defend themselves from a government that is after all, giving them free stuff..

  • On victim blaming.. You ironically do the same thing you advocate against..

Situationally comparing children to adults is intellectually dishonest at best. Children aren't adults. In fact, when Children get a bad education, i blame the parents, not the government nor the children, because neither are (or should be) responsible for them. The parents are responsible

You in fact are doing what all leftists/democrats and many republicans do. You remove the agency of people or the individual.

People make choices. - In the case of our founders, they chose that it's better to die than to live under tyranny - parents will make the choice that the education the government provided their kids is "good enough" or not. - parents also choose to come home and Instagram/Facebook\tinder/meetup/PlayStation rather than sitting down with their kids and doing algebra or English.

My parents had nothing, including having no education, and yet both of them came home late from very difficult factory work and one would sit down with me and do homework, to the point i knew they were sometimes learning things with me especially when i got closer to high school.

The problem is your viewpoint of " you deserve this". Again, a very Democrat/leftist/Marxist notion. It's wrong. Not only is it wrong, it removes the onus of individual responsibility or agency and leads to this deference to authority/expertise that is so prevalent.

If you need to think of things in such terms, think of it as, "you earned this"... You crammed last night and played xbox the previous month, you earned a D.

  • On privilege

What Marxist/socialist/leftist nonsense. Privilege.. Obviously nothing I say will likely Change your mind because for you, i don't think you'll be satisfied until the government creates equal outcomes for everyone, but again, this is what the people are choosing and it's wrong on so many levels.

Being hard working or poor doesn't make you any better of a person than someone rich or in one of the "privileged classes" that you're railing against. Poor People fail all the time, so do rich people. Again, People have and do make choices. When i studied in chicago, i encountered numerous people that could've done something different because their light was very bright. I would tell them, "you need luggage". Most of them would say they don't want to leave though, no matter how bad it was. There are opportunities, but they choose something different, that's unfortunate sometimes, but something they values was more important to them than those opportunities.

Life isn't easy and it isn't always fair. Some People will fail, some People get cancer, some People get injured, and i think that's where private institutions and in some cases the government should step in and give people the help they need. The problem with you're socialist ideology, is that while you're "making things fair", you remove the agency of the people when you choose their route for them to ensure everyone can simply "hire someone else" to make a ton of money for them..

Finally, here's where we are at... - A lot of people chose Trump over the vast number of other rhinos and a couple of actual conservatives.. he was and is a terrible pick, and he is giving a large phallus to his constituents and they're lapping it up. - An even larger group of people voted for Hillary, even though she was extremely corrupt, so much so that she had her own private server to hide secret government documents on. - Several weeks ago we learned that the war in Afghanistan is a total farse, more so than anyone believed it was. - we recently learned that FISA process was being abused, so much so that Comey had to come out and almost apologize for it. Not only that, this process was used to investigate a us citizen who had money, i can only imagine what they are doing to the average Joe. - we've learned that in the great conservative state of Texas, if your mom wants your son to be a girl, she can almost certainly use the courts to have the father's will and common sense revoked. - a us news agency (MSNBC) would not take the statement of Lindsay Graham, yet took a Trump bashing commentary from Feinstein. - trump renews and expands the NDAA, tariffs, and spending - the people with the state motto, "sic semper tyrannus" overwhelmingly voted people whose platform was to overwhelmingly curtail the rights of the people and those most vulnerable in office. - the amount of corruption in this impeachment process is scandalous, on both sides. Instead of the senate going to actual trial and subpoenaing everyone on the record, those who refuse to testify should be jailed, so we can get to the bottom of tyrranies involved with this impeachment process such as: - abuse of FISA, - FBI\DOJ abuses Carter page, - XXXagency abuse of power - Schiff know about the whistleblowers before he came forward, - nepotism Joe - all the corruptocrats in trumps cabinet who should be in jail

Yet nada. They're going to have a quick vote, exonerate Trump and everyone on the democratic side that drummed up Fake charges. All so they can get Back to important legislation, you know <b>like making sure 18 year old adults can't get access to ecigarettes.</b>

I'm sorry, if you're telling me that the people of this nation aren't getting what they are asking for, I'm going to call BS.. Nobody can be pulled away from their tinder accounts, tranny story hour or from watching twitch. None of these politicians face any real backlash, let alone being tarred and feathered which is no less than what they deserve. It's so bad that most of them get re-elected or will get re-elected. In fact, if the is constitution was forced to be voted upon today, i think a majority of the states would decline ratifying it, 1st, 2nd, and as we've seen recently, 4th and 5th amendments are clearly not representative of the government or the people's values.

A return to the constitution is the solution. But we as people don't hold the same values as country any longer.. That has little to do with race and more to do with beliefs. And as such, i think there is strong evidence that a more totalitarian solution, as in one you proffer, i think is not only likely it's quite possibly what will occur. I think this is especially likely within my lifetime and I'm a Xennial(late 30s).

I hope for a better solution though, perhaps a split. One where areas of the country return to the values espoused in the original documents of the U.S. founding, and other areas which can have more equality of outcome, social justice, and progressive for people like yourself. I'm less inclined to believe that this will be a possibility though. Not to offend you, but as we've seen with the transgender madness, it isn't about just living in peace with one another. It's about "you" will be made to endorse, to validate, to delight in the equality, social justice, transgender madness. And if someone refuses, those fun loving equality folks think government should force them to care.

*edited for clarity and spelling, i was on my phone

[–]Tom_Bombadil 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Much of what you have just written about the Constitution, etc was taught to you in school.

Why do you think you were taught the things you think you know?

[–][deleted]  (3 children)


    [–]Tom_Bombadil 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

    Much of Afghanistan was a cosmopolitan society in the 70's. Female doctors, etc.

    The opium industry was transported there after the Vietnam invasion ended.
    Since then, Decades of conflict has devastated their societies.

    USSR. Warlords during the 80's and 90's. Invaded by the US under false pretenses in 2001 (for opium again Bush Sr. was nicknamed "poppy Bush"), and occupied ever since.

    That is not the fault of the citizens.

    [–][deleted]  (1 child)


      [–]Tom_Bombadil 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

      If Afghanistan had different values today (a choice) they could use the resources we are making available to them to get rid of the Taliban, but today they don't succeed.

      How do you know the US want to be rid of the Taliban? It's in the US interests to keep Afghanistan destabilized in order to rob it of it's resources. We had been planning to occupy that territory since before 1997 (The Grand Chessboard) before the 9/11 false flags, etc.

      Infact, the Taliban liberated much of the country from the warlords of the 90's. They were religious clerics who negotiated peace, and a return to Islamic tradition.

      They weren't willing be invaded for a fake al Qaeda pretense, without evidence of criminal guilt. They continue to resist occupation, so they're the "enemy".

      Meanwhile, the US supports the pedo warlords who are willing to grow poppy (for the US drug lords) to support the heroin epidemic, which ravages the US.

      Also, Germany was rebuilt economically, and occupied to ensure dominance. Also, there was a very similar culture.
      The British Royal family are infact, German.