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[–]HeyImSancho 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

yup, I read their 'statement', and noted the clear, and lacking definitive, 'we will never take your guns'... It's really fucking simple, freedom is the right to self determination; a free society will always be an armed society, and by way of respect due to those arms, a polite society. In this society people are as equal as we will probably ever come.

Juxtaposed is the tyrant, and authoritarian regime. the authoritarian state under any guise of 'ism', rides high upon the use of regulation; regulation is the tyrant's friend. In this society, people strive not for natural equilibrium, but instead conform around the will, and mandate of the powerhead=the tyrant=they who create, and are above the regulations. Due to this lack of equilibrium, well, look the fuck around.

The worst part? In our world as it stands today, most people demand control over others in some way, or any way. Hence the rise of all the damn 'secret witness' hotline numbers; it feeds the craving of control created out of their own disease(demoralized mindless slaves).