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[–]proc0 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Interesting points. First observation is that the overall point of the guy in the video is to approach with empathy, yet he's already breaking his own rule by labeling people as "science deniers". Also, he's making false equivalences, science is not truth (I touch on this below), and believing in some conspiracy "theories" does not mean you are on the same level as a flat earther (so we shouldn't lump everyone in the same category here).

I can read any white paper, and could easily learn the hardest possible science from quantum physics to biology, to astronomy. I used to think the way this guy thinks... science is the best, it tells you what is true, and denying it is stupid! But then I realized two things.

First there is no science of metaphysics. Quantum physics is purely math, and theories around the measurement problem are still theories and are not falsifiable, which means we can't test the fabric of reality. Science also doesn't understand consciousness and this could very well be important to the fabric of reality.

Second, science moves forward in ways that invalidates existing theories. In other words, existing science is proven false in favor of new science, which means it is very likely almost eveyrthing we know today is false to some degree. Just imagine living 300 years ago when nobody knew that microscopic organisms existed, yet scientist would probably have the same level of confidence as this guy in the video.

The overall problem with the current "trust the science" movement, is that it's giving authority to act with emergency powers and this is likely to cause catastrophic consequences. Science works best with skepticism and slow consent, not fast, reflexive dogma, yelling at everyone to just obey.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

not gonna read but trusting science is the moral problem