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[–]jet199 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

If by undermine the host you mean weaken the society they are part of I think I probably agree.

After all female competitive strategies haven't done women as a group any favours over the millennium so if the whole of society takes those strategies on it will have the same effect. These strategies are about enabling social climbing for a few elite and squashing the rest, not uplifting everyone.

But this is why good feminism is necessary, we should be able to look at what doesn't work and make changes. Unfortunately feminism has become another section of grievance studies so saying women are hurting themselves doesn't go down very well. I keep hoping the woke takeover will show feminists how bad things like tone policing, cancelling, tall poppy syndrome are for women but often they only see them as bad when the evil oppressor does then.

As for Jewish strategies being the same as women's, in Eastern European jews it was quite common for the men to not work and instead study scripture while the women would be the bread winners. This could well mean they picked up some female competitive strategies in their male culture. They could have also got them from the white middle classes (British definition) who use this stuff like a weapon to social climb. However there's a clear distinction in how Middle Eastern Jews live which is probably why Israel, which is 50% Middle Eastern, has no problem openly competing or going for what it wants.