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[–]weavilsatemyface 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You leap to a conclusion that a baby in its mother's womb is not a person.

Damn straight. You would have to be under some some sort of demonic possession to think that this is a person.

You were once that weak and helpless. So does that mean you are not a person?

That was a very long time ago. What I am now is not what I was then. Things change. Once upon a time there was a blob of cells that was not a person, it grew and eventually became a person -- me -- and some day I shall die and cease to be a person again. As the Bible says, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Every person in history was once not a person, and shall return to not being a person.

Or, at what time did you become a person?

It was a gradual process, in the same way that a pile of raw materials (timber, bricks, plaster, paint) will become a house and then a home. This is not a house even if it may become one eventually. This is not an oak tree.

There is no absolute point where a fetus becomes a baby, but I think a reasonable legal fiction is the moment the newborn takes its first breath. I am even satisfied that we offer the unborn fetus protection as an honorary person during the third-trimester, provided the mother -- a real, actual person -- is not in any danger.

What I do not accept under any circumstances is the Virtue Signalling Holier Than Thous who will sacrifice real, living actual people so that they can hypocritically and dishonestly pretend to care for fetuses which are already all but dead in the womb, or have no chance of survival.

Actual people are more important than fetuses which are at best only a potential person, and often are not even that, if the fetus has no chance of survival.