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[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Globalists want to split the EU and US after decades of alliance. Both areas are undergoing massive changes. The EU broght in migrants that also brought in a small percentage of criminals. Rapes and violent attacks are up. The US is fighting itself over which extreme poltical view is the best one, instead of compromising to help the people that need help. Trump is trying to lower the cost of manufacturing in the US in order to being jobs back. Increasing worker hazards is not an acceptable way of doing this. The two parties need to work togther. The EU at last has shown that it can apply compromises that please no one, but let them move on into the future. As an American, I beleive that the two major political parties are responsible for the damage currently being done. Few moderates are running for office at a time when more middle of the road thinking is needed, along with a return to compromising to move ahead.