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[–]Noam_Chomsky 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The problem is they mandate the stupid vaccine

Their problem. Not yours.

I feel very bad for having my references spend time talking to these people only for me to throw it all down the drain.

Your references probably don't want you dead, or crippled.

If you don't wanting to discuss the actual reason for hesitation (survival), then indicate you had a bad feeling at the very end of the interview process.

Did they mention the reason the position is open?

Also, the global economy is going to crash any day.
There's a +2.5 quadrillion (+$2,500 trillion) that's been brewing since the previous crash.
It's going to gut every central banking/planning economy. There's no historical analog.

You'll likely be better off living in a familiar area, particularly if it's low cost.
Ideally, in a place where you can grow a vegetable garden.

Don't waste your time traveling for a potential dead end job.