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[–]privatejoker11 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Excessive wealth destroys a society.

Starting from the top. Look up for example: from which social classes feminism (in its earliest forms) originated. Some washerwomen in the East End of London came up with that crap all by themselves? Hint: nope.

If society is wealthy and gives its excess wealth to r-selected people, then in no time the r-selected people will waste all the wealth

Can't agree. First, because money/currency is not wealth. Second, because the (I assume) K-selected people at the top do a spectacular job of wasting untold wealth on all kinds of nonsense (weapons production, war, graft of various kinds, destruction of the commons in every conceivable way). The worst r-people can do is drink some of their cash away or lose their house to local bank shysters, hurting themselves, mostly. They cannot affect the classes above them. They are recipients of action, victims, not initiators. They are rotten, but they are reflection of their rulers.

and society will be restored to a eugenic condition.

How? Seems to me that empowering (somewhat) r-selected people in the way you describe (giving them money) has no effect on K-selected people. But promoting r-selected cultural/behavioral/intellectual standards among the general populace -- as the rulers have done -- has had a strong dysgenic effect on K-selected people. Wouldn't it be better to lift the r-people up to a productive peasant class (that could contribute real value, instead of "wasting wealth")? As they have been in times past?

It doesn't matter if r-selected people are given cash to spend (or free rein to loot designer clothing stores or whatever). The currency just gets devalued somewhat, and they remain r-selected. The r-selected people cannot squander the bulk of society's wealth. They can only respond to short-term incentives. It's what the rulers do that determines whether society at large or certain classes thereof are eugenic or dysgenic.

[–]privatejoker11 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Instead of being given food stamps, poor people should be given money so that they can waste it.

This is already done. Poor people (in reality, the underclasses) are given money through government transfers payments/credits and through make-work jobs that produce nothing (in reality, "produce" negative value) for society.

I don't get your point. What's the difference between giving "poor people" (in reality, wards of the state) various petty transfer payments like food stamps, tax credits, etc. and giving "non-poor"/"middle-class" people voting/ ideological loyalty incentives in the form of "good" jobs (white-collar paper-pushing bullshit)?

You kid yourself if you think white-collar jobs amount to much more than survival-level prolefeed. They give the illusion of importance to a certain set of silicon-bedazzled sillies, that's all. Real wealth is durable over many generations. Money is not wealth, nor can it be preserved, realistically, over very long time scale. Only those who own the monetary/ financial/ economic system can award cash and prizes to their chosen peons for their chosen objectives.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

One of the key promises of science, is the ability to transcend our natural limits and take our biology under control. And we are already very close to it. I don't think now is a good time to consider eugenics. Previous civilizations had already done everything for us. Naturally.