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[–]dcjogger 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Americans scream that the elites hate Socialism, but if the ruling powers hate Socialism then why would Bill Gates and Warren Buffet endorse it?

If the ruling class hates Socialists then why do the elites give them campaign donations?

If the ruling class hates Socialists then why do the elites want the US to be a police state?

If the ruling powers hate Socialism then why do the elites support the nanny state?

If the elites hate Socialism then why does the 1% want you to lose your free speech rights and gun rights?

If the elites hate Socialism then why does the 1% want you to lose your 4th amendment rights and wiretap and frisk you and take your property through asset forfeiture?

If the elites hate Socialism then why do the ruling powers want you to lose your right to a trial and torture and kill you?

If the elites hate Socialism then why does the 1% want to run up the debt?

If the ruling class hates Socialists then why do the elites support welfare, food stamps, and Obamacare?

If the ruling powers hate Socialism then why do the elites support wars that lead to terrorism, tyranny, debt, and refugees?

If the ruling class hates Socialism then why do the elites support regulations that kill small businesses?

If the ruling powers hate Socialism then why do the elites beg for bailouts?

If the ruling class hates Socialists then why do the elites support illegal immigration that divides the population?

If the ruling class hates Socialism then why do the elites say anyone who supports immorality, war, debt, welfare, tyranny, and illegal immigrants is normal, but anyone who supports morals, peace, a balanced budget, personal responsibility, freedom, and reduced immigration is called a spammer, troll, shill, bot, racist, junkie, retard, or nutjob and is censored, banned, gets an IRS audit, is arrested, or killed?

If the ruling powers hates Socialists then why do the elites support homosexuality and immorality that weakens the USA?

If the ruling class hates Socialism then why do the elites glorify immorality, blacks, and illegal immigrants, while ridiculing morality and white men?

The elites control Hollywood, the media, Wall Street, and the government.

Almost nothing major happens in the US without the approval of the elites.

The ruling powers don’t care if the US collapses because they live in gated compounds with security guards on private islands, go to private schools, and have private jets to fly them to private airports.

Anyone who supports the government is just a tool of the elites.

Freedom is not your enemy. Tyranny is the enemy.

Wake up.


Pass the word.