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[–]FormosaOolong 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I think it's not one thing, but a deadly combo of things.

The glyphosate weakens both the immune system and damages the gut (they are directly related anyway.) Leaky gut lets food particles and glyphosate into the bloodstream where it should not be. The immune system then raises a response not just to the glyphosate contaminant, but to the food itself, which it now and forever more identifiies as an allergen.

The vagus nerve gets damaged either as a result of this inflammatory response, and/or the ones caused by toxic adjuvants in the vaccinations, which are designed to provoke and aggravate an immune response.

The vagus nerve is connected from the gut to the brain.

Inflammation is bodywide, but now also in the brain.

In children this looks like autism. In young adults if looks like ME/CFS, in older adults it looks like Parkinsons, and in the elderly, dementia.

Add to this the millions of pounds per year of multiple other contaminants, pesticides, heavy metals, mineral-depleted conventional agriculture, etc, and you have an immune system whose one arm is depleted from fighting so much crap, and whose other arm is on overdrive thinking everything is an allergen.

Add to this then the age of innoculation (immediately upon birth, when the system is busy simply getting used to being alive) the absurdity of giving a newborn something like Hep B in its first hours of life, the insane schedule, and the multivalent vaccines--the kind of exposures a body would never encounter in the world.

It's such anti-science and so nonsensical that it has to be some kind of eugenics agenda imo.

And remember early on when we all thought who are these crazy parents that every kid is allergic to peanuts? (It started with peanuts. now schoolrooms have wall charts to keep track of all the kids' food allegies.) Well, peanuts are the crop they rotate cotton with, cotton being one of the most heavily sprayed with glyphosate.

I could write such a huge essay on this topic, but I'll stop here!