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[–]dcjogger 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The US is a bankrupt warmongering police state now.

Things fall apart. The world has turned upside down now.

Clean-cut, moral Americans who were taught to hate Communism, be hard-working, be responsible, respect free speech, support religious freedom, defend gun rights, oppose warrantless searches, seizures, and torture must be in a state of shock to watch the USA become Socialist. How could Americans go to the same schools and have such different beliefs?

You know that you live in the Twilight Zone when Americans support tyranny.

The patriot may be surprised that Americans are embracing tyranny, but the elites have been very persistent in turning Americans into dependent children.

Americans have been poorly educated.

Americans are distracted with bread and circuses.

Immorality has been encouraged.

Welfare has made Americans dependent on the state.

Resistance been crushed by outlawing protesting, free speech, and guns.

Patriots are called nutjobs and racists, get IRS audits, are arrested, or killed.

Politicians get campaign donations and cushy job offers.

Americans are like chickens who take food from a farmer not realizing that they are going to be slaughtered.

If Americans are bothered deep inside and are having sleeping at night, they need to start resisting right now. Anyone who has eyes and studied a little bit of history can see what is going to happen when the US Ponzi economy collapses.

When you get sent to the concentration camps are you going to say that you just sat there, did nothing, and stayed silent while your country collapsed all around you? You can't warn people, print out flyers, rent a billboard, start a website, vote, visit a politician, contact the media, protest, move to another country, or break a window?

What good is making money now if you will lose everything?