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[–]iDontShift 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Go to a dock at a beach with a pair of binoculars.

Eventually it will no longer be visible. This is due to the curvature of the earth

incorrect. powerful telephoto lenses prove you wrong.

when a balloon was sent up and didn't find the curve then they claimed it could only be seen from "7 miles up"

so they sent a balloon up 7 miles .. still no go..

and for all the fools claiming they see it from a plane.. which is only 3.5 -5 miles up. silly folks will trick themselves into believing anything

Go get a ball. Draw a dot on the ball. Hold the ball so that the dot appears centered relative to your vision. Without rotating the ball, draw another dot anywhere else on the ball. You will see that it is perfectly possible to draw a straight between the points, relative to the surface of the ball.

omg.. what? the point is if we truly lived in a ball.. the airplanes and submarines would be REQUIRED to point their noses down as they move forward or GAIN ALTITUDE which clearly doesn't happen. the gyroscope that is used to level a plane, an altimeter, shows the plane as level.

The earth's SURFACE is curved

you just keep saying that, like if you do it will make it true?

We live on its surface, with gravity pulling us toward the center of the curve.

ya, well try and prove gravity next. totally unprovable bullshit. the 'forces' are supposedly so small you can't infer them unless at a 'planetary scale' ..

yet their dipshit theory only actually works for 2 planet systems. add in a third planet.. oops now model broke. THE WHOLE FUCKING MODEL IS BROKE

the majority just don't know it.

Land, water, air, everything is pulled to the center.

and yet a force i can easily calculate, that of spinning on let us say, a merry-go-round .. shows us a force that far out powers the bullshit gravity theory .. spin a ball full of water.. that is the reality if ball earth reality was real

I know you're likely schizophrenic

i see you are retarded

your opinions aside for a minute and just read about gravity

hilarious thing is these are NOT OPINIONS but the rock bottom reality of the bullshit you believe

just read it in full and then ask yourself if it seems plausible that such a force would explain a curved earth.

second most hilarious thing is you actually think you know what you are talking about, as if there is some evidence I have not seen for myself already that would somehow surprise me and 'force me to.. see your way'

my take is people like you never actually question reality . or are simply paid idiots . but i've seen both .. and i've also seen how people inherently realize the 'penalty' for going off on your own.



[–]package 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Dude. You asked for proof that you “can do right now”. Don’t take my word for it. Literally go do either of the things I mentioned. Neither are difficult. The truth is well within your grasp. Go see it for yourself. And if you’re not afraid of some math you can experimentally measure acceleration from gravity using any heavy object and a stopwatch. With that you can easily verify or disprove not only the force of gravity itself but the size and mass of the earth right from the comfort of your desk. Again, the proof you seek is right in front of you if only you’d open your eyes and look.

[–]iDontShift 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

and you gave me stupid shit that you literally just made up that is the same bullshit that isn't true.

and LITERALLY NOONE is using it as proof, unless they don't know any better

i told you better .. and yet you still do it.

measure acceleration from gravity

no buoyancy is all that is required. sorry you aren't aware.

With that you can easily verify or disprove not only the force of gravity itself but the size and mass of the earth right from the comfort of your desk

every time you 'jump' you overcome this great force that can't be measured.

yet is supposed to be holding back the spinning force of a 'planet' .. and you are spinning at MACH 1+ right now. and forget all the other motions supposedly happening. yet you feel none of it. oh, and the models using it DON'T FUCKING WORK ..

Again, the proof you seek is right in front of you if only you’d open your eyes and look.

the fact you don't understand the implications and why your experiments only test visual perception and buoyancy ..

well that is literally why we have an argument, but you seem to think you have right on your side, and assume that your bullshit, lowlevel proofs are proofs

literally like asking a monkey to fix a motorcycle. and you smash motorcycle with a banana and claim you fixed it.

[–]package 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Look man I’m giving you simple, legitimate ways to observe the curvature of the earth, or if the earth has no curvature, observe the flatness and easily prove me wrong. If you just want to cover your eyes and plug your ears that’s your choice, but don’t pretend you’re doing anything different.

And you can actually very easily measure the force of gravity btw; not sure where you got it in your head that everyone just takes it for granted. At sea level, gravity is constantly accelerating all matter toward the center of the earth at approximately 32 feet per second, per second. Again you can derive this value yourself by dropping any heavy object (or light object in a vacuum, because air resistance) and seeing how long it takes to fall different distances.

I think your main misunderstanding is one of scale. Yes, the earth rotates quickly compared to speeds you normally encounter day to day. However, the earth is extremely large. Even rotating at nearly 1000 miles per hour, it takes an entire 24 hours to rotate once. That means over the course of just 1 hour, you are experiencing only 15 degrees of rotation around the earth. That’s .25 degrees per minute. AKA completely imperceptible, and since everything else including the atmosphere is also experiencing that motion, you obviously are not going to feel like you’re moving 1000mph because everything else is moving just as fast. And you aren’t flying off into space tangent to the earth’s surface, because gravity is easily counteracting that tiny bit of angular momentum and curving your trajectory back down.

[–]iDontShift 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

legitimate ways to observe the curvature of the earth

incorrect. just because it appears ships go over the horizon, or that because an object falls does not equal proof

observe the flatness and easily prove me wrong.

i do observe the flatness. and it is easily provable. GYROSCOPES STAY CONSTANT IN SPACE AND DON'T SHOW MOTION

you have given me optical illusions, i've given concreate evidence that requires mental masturbation to mangle into ball earth (the motion can't be detected.. because because because)

but don’t pretend you’re doing anything different.

you know the truth of what you do. i know i am being honest with myself.

And you can actually very easily measure the force of gravity btw

all matter toward the center of the earth at approximately 32 feet per second,

yet once an apple hits the water its stops.

and a balloon with hot air or helium goes up.

buoyancy explains it all, gravity isn't necessary

Even rotating at nearly 1000 miles per hour, it takes an entire 24 hours to rotate once

yawn. literally moving at mach 1 .. and turning a 'corner' very slowly yes... but a corner non-the-less .. and we should feel that .. we should be able to use a gryoscope to see it

none of these things are true.. and you still cling to crazy ideas ..

that the more you study the more they fall apart

like polaris .. above the north pole .. yet the earth supposedly moves MILLIONS of miles in orbit around the sun.

there is no 'polaris' like star in the south pole .. there is no star set that you can see all night long. .. things are different down there ..

literally the proofs that the ball earth is a projection of the satanic forces to make you into a slave for them

fight for the right to be slave. i find it rather amuzing. i know i am right. i have talk to and interacted with enough bullshit schill fucktards to be certain someone is paying these losers to argue with me because their arguments avoid all facts, and continue to retain the deluded vision that excludes new information as if it didn't exist


WITH ONLY UPGRADES -- AND DOWNGRADES .. all always returning to level.

yawn. this fact cannot be disputed. this fact is beyond your stupid fucking boats.

this truth, that looking down a railroad tracks also sees it disappear into the distance, not because it went over anything

BUT BECAUSE OF THE HORIZON ... literal .. physical .. visual perception that just is