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[–]StillLessons 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I'll start off with an honest question, because I'm curious what you mean. Which "several laws" did he break? If you're talking about the laws for which he just faced trial, he was just acquitted on those charges. Are there other laws you are talking about?

Beyond that, two things where I find your position flagrantly counter reality. "The trial was obviously a farce, by any standard." Three things stick in my mind from this trial:

1) The prosecution trying to use Rittenhouse's silence against him - this is so blatantly against every notion of US justice for the entirety of my lifetime (thousands of movies and true stories include in them "You have the right to remain silent") I see no honest reason for any prosecutor to attempt this line of questioning.

2) The prosecution alters video evidence before giving it to the defence team. Again, there is absolutely no believable justification for this. The prosecution's claim of "we don't know how that happened!" rings ABSOLUTELY false.

3) The prosecutor points a high grade weapon at people in the courtroom. This goes so far beyond reasonable I can't even fathom what the fuck the point of such a stunt would be.

In other words, what I see is a prosecution that was outrageously [ either maliciously or incompetently ] run. The only possible reason I can see that they would have done this is if they wanted the verdict they got. Could it be this was all set up so that people on the left WOULD riot afterward? If a farce, it was a farce designed by the prosecution, not the defence or the judge.

Finally, peaceful protestors. Fuck off with that one. Just fuck off. You will convince nobody with a functioning brain stem that these were peaceful protestors. The people who are about to riot don't even think they were peaceful protesters; they think of them as comrades in arms. BIG difference there. What was happening that night was NOT peaceful protest. The peaceful protesters from earlier in the day were long gone well before the events for which Rittenhouse just faced trial, and you damned well know it. Just fuck off with the attempt to gaslight at that level.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Which "several laws" did he break?

You know what he was charged with. Yes, the prosecution was ridiculously incompetent. The judge was also biased. The trial was a sham.