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[–]StillLessons 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Since the beginning, one of the primary concepts put forth by the skeptics (I am in this group) is that because it takes time to develop confidence in any therapy's safety/efficacy, we should be cautious around these new drugs. The unforgivable sin of the establishment is their impatience. Making a moral imperative out of a brand new treatment flies in the face of actual science. When the defenders of these therapies defend them so strongly, they are not speaking on the basis of observation, because we haven't had time to develop confidence in our observations; it's still way too early. As such, what is being put forth so insistently - and with incalculable harm to our society - is a form of quasi-religious faith in the institutions (government and corporate - which is a redundancy...) that developed them. Religious faith is a terrible companion to science.