all 2 comments

[–]thefirststone 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

What a frustrating platform Rumble is, that comments aren't visible when you aren't signed in, and the videos are tedious clickbait that could have been communicated in a few words and images. And this obviously isn't a video targeted to that platform because he mimes an injection and says "because I can't say it." He does the miming and word replacement constantly throughout. This is stupid and unnecessary, and it seems like a fetish.

Here are some notes for those who rightly don't value these platforms and videos which are not forthcoming with information up front.

  • 2m38s It actually starts. Case one.
  • 3m55s Case one bloodwork.
  • 4m46s mispronounces "macrophages"
  • 5m20s "Here's what's interesting." CD8 cells out of range, "killer T-cells", basically an aids test", okay?"
  • 7m15s After the second shot, other standard immune cells elevated, out of range. "Please stay with me, okay?" He doesn't say how the immune system reacts to actual vaccines, the ones that aren't mRNA therapies or adenovirus therapies.
  • 9m12s What has changed? Makes statements about diet and exercise which are probably specious, makes melodramatic insinuations. This makes me less likely to believe he knows the patient at all.
  • 9m48s He thinks "dumb" as in mute is a "biblical term", I guess in the same way "to know" means something very speciific "in the biblical sense"... weird. This guy is an MD? Really? Are you sure?
  • 10m50s "Stay with me." I'm waiting for minutes for something to happen.
  • 11m20s These immune markers make it more likely for a new infection to happen. "Please share this video." Actually, he should be considering flu infections more than even cold/coronavirus, but that wouldn't be eXTREME to the MAX for his viewership.
  • 13m48s "I don't know." Of course you don't. And you're afraid because you can be held professionally responsible for that. Maybe use less bombast and more 7up and chicken soup next time. Just a thought.
  • 14m52s Wrapping up. I guess there is no case two. Rambling that "not one doctor will run that test" after he ran a simple immune test, I guess.
  • 16m36 End

I watched it at over 1.5 times speed, and I still feel like I wasted my time.

[–]ultimodolphin 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

everyone that takes the covid vaccine will get a fictional affliction from the early 1980s.