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[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I have a hard time believing the government could keep anything a secret since 1978.

[–]freedomlogic 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Oh boy, I made an account finally, because I am getting rid of my trash reddit accounts soon. And this post was the first post in a while that made me go ahead and do it. This is being suppressed, hard. If it's not true, then why are the bots and shills working so hard to downvote and discredit it(on the reddit conspiracy sub). Anyway, itll take me a few minutes to contribute my thoughts and information, but I do hope you read it.

[–]freedomlogic 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This makes sense, to me. Planet 10/9/X whatever Nasa or whoever wants to call it at whatever given time, does likely exist.

What's funny is a decade ago they were saying planet x does not exist lol... So what is it, does it exist, or does it not? Well, if you have done any research on planet x or nibiru, there are quite a few different theories and of course the one most people will think of is Zecharia Sitchin who claims that the ancient pagan gods, our creators lived on a planet that orbits a cold dwarf.

I believe planet 9 is likely a brown dwarf, so cold and so ancient, thats why we cant see it with a traditional telescope, not until its close enough for our sun to illuminate it. But I believe the beings who created us, belong to a star that is much farther than planet 9. In alot of these ancient story's, the gods did not want to make the trip back home very often, and thats because if you have to travel a 100 years at light speed, how much time would pass on each planet in between. 10,000 years, a 100,000 years? "A team of professional astronomers and citizen scientists from the Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 project has spotted 95 new brown dwarfs near the Sun."

They have known for much longer than the 1970's that this thing existed. "But most of all, Lowell was determined to find the ninth planet in our solar system – a hypothetical "planet X", which at the time was thought to be responsible for the rogue orbits of the furthest-known planets from the Sun, the cool-blue ice giants Uranus and Neptune. Though he never set eyes on this phantom behemoth, the quest consumed the last decade of his life – and after several nervous breakdowns, he died at the age of 61. Little did he know, the search would still be going – with a few tweaks – in 2021. Undeterred by his own mortality, Lowell left a million dollars to the cause of finding planet X in his will. So, after a brief interlude involving a legal battle with his widow, Constance Lowell, his observatory kept looking. Just 14 years later, on 18 February 1930, a young astronomer was looking at two photos of star-studded skies, when he noticed a speck amongst them. It was a tiny world. He had found Pluto – for a while considered the elusive planet X."

But the reason this guy in this article is throwing out the 1970's number is because 1977 is when we launched the voyager probes....not many know this, but one of the mission objectives, and part of the reason they launched two satellites in the direction they thought planet x was at, was to look for this planet. One of the people who was involved in this project was a scientist named

Robert Harrington dedicated the rest of his short life to trying to tell the truth, and he died from some rare form of throat cancer. And while the articles no longer exist, I know I read newspaper stories where his wife claimed he was killed for refusing to shut up about planet x. I cant prove this of course, but I feel it is likely true given how we know how state nations like to use radioactive substances to murder high value targets. If that death wasnt suspicious enough..... one of the other scientist's that was helping him look for planet X, died under "mysterious" circumstance in an Antarctica research station of ethanol poisoning, in a place where there was alcohol available.

On top of all this, the elite, the illuminati, the rulling class. Whatever you want to call them has known about this for millennia, they all have. I mean dont take my word for it's called the "reoccurring cataclysm theory" and is tied into reoccurring inter-glacial periods in my opinion. Here is plato talking about it, because this is all tied into the destruction of Atlantis. Plato's own word's....

"On one occasion, when he was drawing them on to speak of antiquity, he began to tell about the most ancient things in our part of the world - about Phoroneus, who is called the first, and about Niobe ; and, after the Deluge, to tell of the lives of Deucalion and Pyrrha ; and he traced the genealogy of their descendants, and attempted to reckon how many years old were the events of which he was speaking, and to give the dates. Thereupon, one of the priests, who was of very great age, said , “ O Solon, Solon , you Hellenes are but children , and there is never an old man who is an Hellene.' Solon , hearing this, said , “ What do you mean ? “ I mean to say ,' he replied , that in mind you are all young ; there is no old opinion handed down among you by ancient tradition , nor any science which is hoary with age. And I will tell you the reason of this : there have been, and there will be again, many destructions of mankind arising out of many causes."

By the way, 200mph winds will be nothing. They will likely be stronger than that if the worse case scenario happens. This guy has obviously read "The ADAM and EVE STORY" thats hosted on the cia website. Do you want a good description of what that day of hell may look like... here you go.

The vaccines are definitely part of the plan, there seems to be multiple angles going on. But I believe it has something to do with controlling the populace after this "great reset" happens. I believe part of it, is they want the leaky vaccine to promote deadly variants that will cause the unvaccinated to die. The parallels to mareks disease cannot be a coincidence. That article a few years back, talking about shock collars for the guards of the underground cities/bunkers, is starting to make a whole lot more sense now....

Dont do what we say, then dont get the shot and die. Seems like something these selfish aholes would do. Anyway I could go on and on about this after the hours and hours of thinking and researching about it. Something is being hidden from us.

[–]IkeConn 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Just once. I would like to see a conspiracy theory come true just once.