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[–]goobandit 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Thanks, this is the info I was hoping for.

My thinking was that the dust is essentially acting like volcano ash so it’s cool to see how it’s different. Where I’m at now is /StillLessons said you can’t take it back once it’s in the atmosphere, so what would happen if they executed the dust plan perfectly AND THEN like Krakatoa blew up and you had both shits up there blocking the sun? Isn’t that a guaranteed catastrophe?

I don’t know, I’m obviously not a scientist...I watch some Oppenheimer Ranch Project and their Magnetic Reversal channel for weather, some Ice Age Farmer, and some Adapt 2030 and they all say basically the same thing you’re saying. I appreciate you responding to my know-nothing-ass questions because like you said it’s not thoroughly examined mainstream information since everything is focused on CO2 climate change warming so I appreciate you taking the time to explain even though I’m probably off the deep end with hypotheticals.