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[–]AirSeddit88 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It will be a more wonderful world when We the People learn not to let the mentally ill run it.

Truly the insane are running the asylum.

Here's some 20-20 vision:

2020 is the inevitable consequence of rule by Dark Triad personalities. (Narcissists, Machiavellians, Psychopaths).

All these bad guys were children traumatized so badly that they defined themselves as failures and created false selves for themselves, masks of their childish conception of infallibility and success. Adulation, affirmation and obedience feed their need for fresh self esteem to balance the fires of self-loathing. They lie, manipulate, and harm covertly and compulsively, without empathy or remorse. They are damaged children living out a fantasy at the expense of others. They see you and I as objects, tools for self gratification, to be used, abused, and discarded. They have impaired reality testing, and skill at getting others to pay the price.

They dominate the halls of power.

They are ruining the world wholesale.

Psychologist (and narcissist) Sam Vaknin offers a sobering summary here:

Heal the vicious cycle of generational trauma, and we make possible a better world.