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[–]hennaojichan 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I sent the Twitter feed to a Frenchman I know and he sent back the message, "Fake News." Update: Just got another text from the same man and it said, "OMG, it's real." That's all. There was nothing about a false flag. Speculation: In searching for more on this story I've become convinced that something is very strange. The story is widely reported but nothing new has come out since Vigte made this post 24 hours ago. My impression is that the story is being contained and almost universally blamed on the beating of a black music producer a few days ago. I did see one photo that cut to the crux of this story. It was written in French on a shop window saying, "Death to the Rich." Could this spread to other central banks in Europe? The government and owners of those banks (you know who) hope to avoid the spread of such radical action. It would be terrible if all the Rothschild-owned banks in Europe, and elsewhere, were burned.