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[–]rdh2121 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

There's so much crazy here I almost don't know where to start.

police are the primary cause of violence

This is you putting words in my mouth.

Police have been scaling back their efforts

This is completely incorrect, as the complete sham of the police budget "reductions" over the past couple of days show.

Violence is highly seasonal, and can be directly correlated to things like the outside temperature. That's why crime is compared to what happened the previous year. This is well-known; you're telling me this is news to you?

And I'm the conspiracy theorist. Also, I thought the rise in violent crime was due to the disbanding of the anti-crime units? yOu'Re aRgUiNg AgAiNsT yOuRsElF, aNd LoSiNg.

These are the same NYC cops who, when everyone was running away from the flaming World Trade Center, ran towards it.

Yay, they did their jobs once.

Why am I not surprised they're being shit on?

Because you're aware of how militarization of police and police brutality have gotten to the breaking point, so you're rightfully shitting on them along with every other reasonable person?

Your propaganda isn't gonna work here bub. Your arguments are as transparent as your motives.