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[–]Unicorn 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Do people try to escape prisons or break into prisons?

Why have free college if a higher income will mean that the government will collect more taxes to pay for wars, debt, and tyranny? Why have free college if the NSA will read the papers you write? Why have free college if a higher income can be used to buy a car and mobile phones that will be tracked by the government?

People shut down down in police states because everything is illegal.

Tyranny means that you lose personal responsibility.

You wouldn't kill a kid on your own, but you would if the Gestapo told you to and you wouldn't feel any remorse because you were just following orders.

In a free country, people care for their property, but the government owns everything in a police state.

In a free country, your success is yours and you can criticize the government. Your success in a police state belongs to the government and you can't criticize the state.

In a free country, starving would be your fault. The government might give you welfare in a police state, but no one will be responsible if you die.

In a free country, people are kind and honest. People in a police state are rude, mistrusting, and must bribe and look for loopholes to do anything.

No one wants to give donations in a police state because taxes are high. Why be polite in a police state since workers don't own businesses and jobs are given to them by the government?

Free countries have morals because there are churches. Police states do not have religions.

People in a free country care for their health because medical costs might be expensive. People in police states don't care about their health because medical care is free.

The news is honest in a free country because the media have a vested interest in being accurate. The government owns the press in police states and will just tell you want they want you to hear.

In free countries, you can use your guns to protect yourself. In police states, you must wait for the Gestapo to come and help you.

In free countries, you can do what you want, live where you want, wear what you want, marry who you want, and eat what you want. In police states, the government tells what you can do, where you can live, what to wear, who you can marry, and what you can eat.

Everything is illegal in a police state, but the government can do anything. You have no rights.

Anyone who is too smart, rich, fast, or beautiful will be arrested or killed in a police state.

In free countries, people must pay for their mistakes. In police states, no one is responsible for anything.

[–]RickC-137[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Tyranny tyranny and....tyranny. You should change your name to tyrannybot.