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[–]RuckFeddit 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Universities are infiltrated to the point where one has to wonder whether or not an accelerationalist policy is the best one to take here. A lot of them are 50-200k in debt and are just blaming all white men for their plight.. they're suckers to the establishment, and the "fool me once" motto for them is a cyclical reaction of "shame on you".

The money they injected is to basically bail out the banks. Banks are giving credit and expect a repayment, if that repayment isn't met then the bank declares that and suddenly the market crashes, so the banks can hold the entire country at gunpoint ever since the recession of 08. Banks are and always will be the enemy of the people.