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[–]jamesK_3rd[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

What's it all mean??

Intentionally, or bumbling into it. I think the Trojan horse is about to be unleashed. The perfect storm.

Since it's inception in 2012, the Republican base has hemmed and hawed about topics such as ACA, taxes and spending, and of course DACA. They did nothing About any of these(largely because they agree with all of these). Though they had a majority in the house and senate, and most recently while having the house, the senate and the presidency for the last two years.

Now, Trump who has made overtures to the previous Congress that he thought DACA recipients should be given citizenship but that the administrative DACA solution was unconstitutional. It's looking. Increasingly like the justices will rule against DACA. 

I personally like a more libertarian solution. Mainly to end the asinine restrictions on who can come here to work. Of course, you'd also need to end any and all welfare for these  immigrants. 

However, I'm increasingly skeptical that this solution would work in our current system, where leftists desire for political power prevents them from stopping the defacating openly on the streets by their constituents. 

But Legalizing DACA recipients would enshrine leftists/democratic party as a superpower for the conceivable future, which should serve up some good fodder floor 4 Republicans as the inept minority. 

Reminder, all these politicians hate us..