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[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

And yet you use Hoetll, a known hoaxer and liar, who has lied in the past for money as proof that the 6 million figure is correct. I have provided census data and documents of Jewish emigration and camp records that prove the six million figure false. It is scientifically impossible, if we take into account the gas chamber myths. Not even modern gas chambers today could kill with such efficiency, that is excluding that they were not gas chambers but delousing chambers. Watch the banned documentary 'Probing the Holocaust,' for more information. Keep in mind I also think the deaths in Soviet Russia and during the Bolshevik reign are highl;y exaggerated as well. I do not believe 66 million, 50 million or 30 million died. Even the mainstream account of 25 million seems quite high in my opinion.

Now that does not mean Nazis did not execute Jews in what could be defined as a genocide. The Holocaust as defined as a burnt offering, is not what happened in the definition of the word.

There is proof of Jewish executions and the census data and emigration data, and camp records proof that nearly 2.5 million Jews died and up to 1 million were killed by the Nazis. My estimate is a little over 600,000 based on all the facts and figures I could compile. So, did Nazis murder innocent people? Yes. Were Jews targeted? Yes. Could you consider it a targeted genocide? Yes. Were 6 million killed? No. Did 4.5 million die in gas chambers? No.

And (in contrast) if there was audio/video of this conversation you would call it edited and fabricated "by the jews!!!1"

Nope I would not, I would watch it and take it with a grain of salt. I would then research it further until I could safely say it is a true account. Your are using the slippery slope argument and reductio ad absurdums.

I showed you endless photos of the holocaust and it's train system which shows it was a massive killing system for killing many millions of people, and you deny it like "photos are a jewish conspiracy theory!!1 because jews!!11"

Nope, this quote again is a fallacy, so I will just ignore it. You photos you showed were Jews, communists and anyone the Nazis deemed a threat, even if completely innocent in concentration and work labor camps. These photos were taken at the VERY END of the war, when Germany had a food blockade and railines to the camps were bombed. No food was coming in nor were medical supplies in a collpased German economy. They are emaciated because of typhus that killed MILLIONS. The lice hides in the cloths which Is why they took them off. I went to the Holocaust museum and they were using an allied bombed camps as evidence of bodies burned in a crematorium. They were terror bombed by the allies. But that didn't stop the very profitable holocaust industry from lying, which does a diservice to the common Jew.

I even show the photos are from multiple sides (eg multiple states) and they all match.

No you didn't. And what does it prove? It proves Nazis took Jews and others away from there homes and put them in concentration camps. Probably executing hundreds of thousands via work orders over the years. That is what those pictures prove. They do not prove the six million figure.

And what is your "argument?" It's essentially this: "photos ain't real !111 Because Jews !!!1"

That's not my argument ^ ^ ^ Another fallacy by you. I will also ignore this quote as well.

That's not even why I quoted it. There's a bunch of people saying that the number 6m was commonly used for jews for religious reasons.

Well, these people only used media references but many politicans and communists in Bolshevik Russia also used the holocaust and 6 million figure burnt offering well before WW2. That of course, I don't really get into, because it proves little. Facts and figures prove the six million figure to be a lie nonetheless, but clearly 2.5 million Jews died in my estimate.

[–]Anticapitalist 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

It's circular reasoning to say someone is "hoaxer" is evidence that their claims are a hoax. Your 'argument' here could be endless historic events where you just declare the people quoted to be hoax selling liars.

Your assumptions about how fast the nazis may have killed people are not relevant. Even if "modern" gas chambers work extremely slow, that doesn't mean a government couldn't build a much quicker system for killing many millions of people.

You're going on and on, but all you have is assumptions that you seem to believe are evidence of your other assumptions.

And your motive here, to say anything to get people to reject the holocaust, is obvious. So you attempt to show signs of "moderation" as if that hides that you are just another holocaust denier.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Hearsay is hearsay. That's where the six million figure originated. Census data does not back it up.

I don't assume anything. I looked at all the reports, census data, Jewish emigration data, camp work orders, etc,. And could not even come close to the six million figure. You mind sharing proof and physical evidence of this figure and/or debunk my posts above?

Clearly you assume the figure, I don't assume anything. My research has led me to a different conclusion.

[–]Anticapitalist 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Your "research" is assuming the nazi's work orders accurately showed how many people they killed when (in reality) their goal was to hide these events. You are just making assumptions.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

And census data and all the other hindreds of population reports.