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[–]send_nasty_stuff 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Among things, it was a nazi estimate that they murdered 6 million jews. Plus it's an estimate of the people who disappeared.


[–]Anticapitalist 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)


Are you not reading from the like 10 times I posted it already?

  • "In the 1961 testimony, Hoettl recalled how “Eichmann … told me that, according to his information, some 6,000,000 Jews had perished until then -- 4,000,000 in extermination camps and the remaining 2,000,000 through shooting by the Operations Units and other causes, such as disease, etc.” "

[–]send_nasty_stuff 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

LMAO. You just gave me a college paper on Holocaust denial. Not even written by historians. The paper is MLA citation. It's not even Turabian. LMAO! Holy shit this made my day.

You trolls are sneaking in to operate on saidit and your lucky that I'm not on here more often to expose you. If this were reddit I would have responded faster. Eventually I will get over to this site more.

OK here's the redpill dump just in case people are still reading this thread. I've now tagged you as jew shill and will be monitoring your presence on saidit and commenting whenever I can to expose your bullshit.

Here's the dump

----start dump of previous discussion reply---

I think a lot of Jews did die in ww2 due to crimes against humanity.

Holocaust revisionists do not deny that jews died in Europe during ww2 and in some cases were totally innocent (neither spies nor combatants).

Now much of the official holocaust narrative is BS, gas chambers, mengele's human experiments and the shower room stuff were clearly allied atrocity propaganda

That's what the holocaust is and if you said what you just said publicly you'd be called a holocaust denier and could possible be jailed in more than a dozen countries. The holocaust isn't a historical event up for adjustment and debate like other historical event. It's an industry and a narrative and the only people allowed to adjust it and correct it are a group of 11 or so approved historians.

But I think a lot of Jews did disproportionately die due to other reasons. The causes Jews died in millions(my estimate was that 4.9 million Jews died) are

Jews dying for 'other reasons' is again not disputed by revisionists. It's actually a key component of holocaust revisionism. You're 4.9 number is high though. The highest I've heard from a credible source is 2.3 from Irving and he's not particularly wedded to that number. My guess is 500-750k died and half of those were in some way probably tied into spying, Marxist subversion and in a fair court the nat socs could probably argue and prove they were combatants. The other half died from typhus, starvation and yes some probably died from cruelty/murder in a chaotic war theater. In fact this is why there were so many Jews in concentration camps. They sought out the camps to be protected from the lawlessness and hostility of war.

Forced labor: Its no secret that the Germans used slave labor to build factories, weapons and infrastructure.

Ok right of the bat I'm going to stop you. I don't think you've actually engaged with the revisionist sources. This isn't slave labor. This is prison labor. That's a HUGE difference. Many Jews choose not to work in camps and instead just engaged in the maintenance and running of the camp accouterments. The alternative was living in German society that was hostile to them for conspiring to bring the Americans into WWI. I'm not really sure how much I can really engage with you here if you haven't actually dug down on the revisionist arguments.

Let me catch you up on the revisionist sources.

First there's David Cole (jewish) who looked at aushwitz. Here's a shortened video on his findings.

The next big guy is of course Earnst Zundel. Here's an outstanding interview he did with an Israeli. LOTs of intersting stuff in this doc. I highly recommend you take the time to listen.

Next here's a thread that caused quite a stir on debatealtright.

I'd encourage you to read the unz article that reddit deleted from the thread.

Then after you've looked at the unz article you might want to read through the comments in the thread.

The Japanese did it and prisons do this today. 3 million Soviet pows simply died in the camps. It makes no sense that Jews wouldn't too

Again, revisionists do not deny Jews died in camps. How many and how and whether or not is was a directed cleansing 'plan' by nat soc elites is where all the drama is.

Soviets, Japanese, Germans, and Americans all run war camps very differently. To conflate them is a bit silly. We also have the problem that there's a VERY high incentive for governments to lie about what they do to prisoners so ALL gov sources and gov histories about these war camps need closely examined and cross referenced. Here's a look at what people on the ground have shared about the German camp system.

I think many died due to forced labor as the Germans worked them to death or took them on death marches.

You'd need to provide a source for this. The reports, images and video in the deprogramingcourse website refute this 'worked to death' claim. Jews themselves refute this work to death claim. There are thousands talking about playing in the 'death camp' symphony or putting on plays.

If the survivors are to be believed then certainly the ones talking about atrocities should be offset by the ones talking about brothels and orchestras so that neutral observers can make an informed decision. This is how you shape consensus; this is how you manufacture consent. You simply hand select the testimonies that fit the narrative. Finkelstein talks about this opinion manufacturing industry is his book The Holocaust Industry.

And let's not even get into all of the outlandish claims by the survivors who were promoted.

Starvation: This is the real killer, nearly 3 million Soviet POWs died, most of them from starvation and the same is true for the Jews.

Again. Starvation is not denied by revisionists. It's the how and why. Most starvation in the camps comes as the end of the war and it was due to supply line disruption from allied bombing. Obviously Germans are going to prioritize German soldiers in the field and German families in the Reich over Jews and war prisoners. If you consider that ethnic cleansing so be it but IMO it's just a result of the chaos at the end of the war and the immoral civilian bombing started by Churchill. Stalin on the other hand starved civilians and prisoners in a more strategic/corporal way.

If you want to see agressive ethnic cleansing through starvation read about the Rhind Meadows.

That's what weaponized starvation encampment looks like. If Hitler had those aspiration he could have started those camps in '39 or even earlier and there's no evidence of that.

Germans confiscated food from the occupied territories to feed their own. This caused food shortage for the camp prisoners who were allowed to stave. Over ten million people in German occupied lands died in starvation, its only rational that the Jews suffered this too.

Ah. That's what you do in war but that's also a result of farm production going way down because farmers where out fighting war. There's not only less food but armies (on all side) confiscate the food. Yes Jews certainly died from this war famine like everybody else but the world almanac of Jewish population does not reflect 6, 5, or even 4 million Jews dying during this period.

Yet on the other hand we do see Jewish population going up in British Palestine, the United States, Britain, etc. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to see what's going on here.

Shootings and persecutions: Its no secret that the Einsatzgruppen in tandem with local militias shot communists, Jews and partisans.

And why not? They had literally stood in the streets of Germany with machines guns years earlier not to mentioned collaborated with foreign nations to undermine the Reich or do you not believe in a sovereign nations right to execute traitors?

The SS had a penchant for mass murders and shootings, think of malmedy, Wormhoudt and countless other examples.

The SS had a penchant for winning a conflict. The SS was a military unit. Killing people is part of winning wars. I know you understand European history. I've seen you write detailed posts about European wars/conflicts/battles. What's up with all this 'murder' language. Show me a nation that gives up it ability to execute traitors/enemies/combatants/subversives and I will show you a nation that's about to collapse and be taken over by another nation willing to 'murder.'

As they hated Jews more than all else it makes no sense that they'd make an exception to them, they didn't flinch at killing fellow Germanic English, forget Jews.

This is a HUGE misconception. Antisemitism in Germany was almost unheard of before the Treaty of Versailles and the German diplomats learning about the Balfour declaration. You'd think if there was so much German 'antisemitism' then Jews wouldn't have been allowed to own so much industry, media and academic seats in German society. In fact there are some eerie parallels with American society.

[–]send_nasty_stuff 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


Finally there's another reason, the number of Jews don't add up, there were 13 million Jews in 1939, today there are about 14 million, there's no way a group with good birth rates failed to increase their population at all in 80 years, there was a mass culling of Jews.

Again revisioninsts don't disagree with jews dying in Europe and jews being displace from Germany. They disagree with the 'culling' language. Hitler explicity stated he wanted Jews out of europe and attempted to find places to peacefully resettlethem. Why would someone who wants to cull jews from the earth work to resettle them?

Why would a guy who was constantly asked by subordinates what to do with the Jews continue to issue orders not to harm them and to wait until the war is over?

This post of yours Scythian is highly suspicious. I'd strongly encourage you to go through these materials. Please do not continue to misrepresent what revisionists are saying. It's too common a tactic of our enemy. You wouldn't want to be confused with our enemy now would you?

---more JQ discussion stuff here =-------->