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[–]zyxzevn 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Would be nice to add a list of why it is a poison:
1) The mRNA (or DNA) gets in cells all over the body, and by design this causes the immune system to attack the body itself. 2) The lipid package containing the mRNA can cause severe allergic reactions (can cause sudden death).
3) Spike-protein produced by the cells that get the mRNA is poisonous. It affects all parts of the body. It enlarges the heart in mice. It crosses the blood-brain barrier.
4) About half of the injections give blood-clots based on the D-Dimer test.
5) There is no balance between the marker-antibodies and the neutralizing antibodies causing Antibody Dependent Enhancement. This differs with physical condition and over time. And this will make the infection more severe or even deadly, after some months.
6) Estimated short-term death-rate: 1 in 10.000, also for healthy people.
7) Other ingredients that are secret "due to patents".
8) The vaccine makers are 100% immune against law-suits due to vaccine safety, breaking the basic rule of safety.
9) There are no safety tests done. Nor are there effectiveness tests done. The real data of all tests is still kind of secret.
10) People that are 100% immune due to previous infection, never need any vaccine.
11) 100% vaccinated areas do still get infections and even more hospitalizations. As if the vax works backwards.
12) Problems of the vaccine, as reported by patients, doctors and experts are censored to the extrreme.

Note that SAFE and CHEAP drugs are available to prevent and combat the disease!
(By the only doctors that actually cure patients)

Compared to Covid19.
The deaths related to Covid19 were extremely overrated (by 20x), by using the 95% false-positive PCR test. The propaganda claimed that deaths with a positive PCR test were caused by Covid19. This included car accidents and such, and can be verified.

By using extreme high multiplication cycles (>25), the "PCR can find anything in anyone".
The PCR mixes up influenza or cold with Covid19. Its scientific basis is so bad, that we do not even know if Covid19 still exists in most places.

The vaccine as POLITICAL POISON:
1) Passports! WTF!
2) There is need for an experimental vaccine for a disease so weak. Where is the limit?
3) Tests and masks and lockdowns do not work, as we can see from all data.
4) The extreme profits by the vaccine-manufacturers, helped by the corrupt politicians.
5) Repeated shots (boosters) are necessary by design and for profits. The UK has about 10 shots for each citizen ready. Are you ready to take your 8th shot to keep your passport?
6) Who made the extreme corrupt Big Pharma the leader of the world?
7) Censorship of different views.
8) The destruction of the local economy with lockdowns.
9) Extreme inflation due to lockdowns.

[–]AnarchySpeach 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Novavax vaccine will be interesting. It's not mRNA. People are saying it will be safer than the previous vaccines. At the very least, the side effects will be interesting to see.